
Twietry — write poems together

Hello, %habrauser%. I want to tell you about a wonderful project that we worked nights, and still managed to have something similar to the beta version. The meaning of the website is simple to outrageous — to write poetry all the world on one line. The idea is not new, my friend (who actually pushed me to work on this project) I was playing something like still being in school. Each wrote one line, and it turned out verse. Interested? Ask a cat. / > what's Sol? Written all is the miracle on Ruby On Rails using MongoDB. For authorization, we use Twitter, hence the name — Twietry = twi tter + po etry . Why Twitter? Well, it happened. After login, the user has 2 options: either to write lines to an already-existing poems, or take a chance and start your. Rules: Simple as clear as day. Each writes one line, not more than 100 characters (all because after the publication of the lines created by stitching leaves in Twitter user along with a reference to th...

What to do with the trillions of photos on the Internet?

Development of new approaches to search for photos is now becoming more than a promising direction: Just because 100 billion images annually. This contributes to the 750 million mobile phones , purchased, 100 million digital cameras , stretching from the shelves annually . In the near future the same Google plans to include in its index > 1 trillion images. Company improve text search ( Picsearch.com , Facesaerch.com ). Others are working with visual queries (as a query image and no text) or try to combine the text and picture (Riya, Picollator.ru ). I work for a company that is engaged in the development solutions for finding pictures on the basis of technologies of pattern recognition. Of course I am very interested in new search engines and demo, classifying or looking for images on the net. From the latest releases to be the most interesting solution from Idee Labs . This canadian company is developing a system to categorize and find photos. Idee...

TODO-list via Jabber

When I did JoDo.im came up with the idea to make bots for their own personal TODO-lists. So, if you use an IM client with support for Jabber (QIP, Miranda, GTalk, Kopete, etc.), you can create and manage the TODO-lists directly from the chat window. To create the list you want to add yourself to your contacts любое_имя@bot.jodo.im lubomia is any combination of Latin letters and digits. In order to add a task to the list write to the bot: + name a description of the task In response we get: Task 1 created. To create a subtask ( Yes, the hierarchy is maintained ) writing number textboxbase Team preview: #tree (whole tree task), #room (details for a specific task), #todo (5) #next (the first task). To mark a task complete: #ok neobyazatelno Another command: delete #rm change priority #up , #down , #top , #bottom change of status #done , #freeze , #cancel . All commands can be found by typing #help . You can create any ...

Success journal

In the book, Bodo Schaeffer's "Money or the ABC of money" tells about a little girl Cyrus, which understands the science of making money under the guidance of her dog Money. And in this book describes how, to a certain extent allowing to overcome the difficulties, to always be in the right frame of mind and move forward. He is in charge of the "journal for success". This idea can be interpreted on the Internet as a separate vebdvanol of the project and of course as a service Habrahabr. your account with a special user interface (Habrachelovek) briefly captures all that is good was able to do during the day. This may be one entry, and there may be several. Possible make reference to their achievements. A good effect is achieved if the fill success journal daily. In life there are black and white stripes aka the notorious vest and on the transition another black (even minor setbacks) felt a sense of stress, is that I want to drop everything...

From Tomsk to Silicon Valley and Back

We have heard many times: "you Sit here in the Tomsk and don't know what is happening on the front lines. That will come to Silicon Valley you will open your eyes to the world." Again I say, you need to go. We planned a trip for January, coinciding with the opening of beta version of our service . A little less than two months later we returned to Russia. And indeed, we have discovered many new things. The most interesting discovery was what is today Silicon Valley is a valley CEOS, marketers, managers and anyone, but not developers. For us it was a big advantage, because we're nerds. We even know how to insert video in Wordpress. With the sound problem, we recommend you to turn it off. But Valley came out pretty good. All the best and just good professionals recruited by Google, Facebook, DropBox, LinkedIn and the hundreds of top companies. There they were provided with comfortable conditions for all criteria. The salary for most engineers is not ...

google life search

Yesterday Google announced the Live search So, what is it and how to use it? Did it make your search more relevant and convenient for users? How to get it, where to enter a query to see live results? The algorithm is still driven around and while fully works only for English queries. You enter the query and see the results of the search in the middle of the page in the section Latest result for “your request”. Can try enter your query here . For example, a request Obama. About the middle of the page is visible to block the Latest results that are updated in real-time. New results on request Obama constantly updated and added to the search results. If this text is annoying, you can pause by clicking "Pause", but completely remove the "live search" from the results it is impossible. Adam Smith, a Google employee, guiding the development of new search system in real time, says that not all queries can be seen regularly updated information: ...

Innovative services: launch startup

Have a great idea! You become the proud owner of a brain that came up with a completely new, no one developed a service which will offer Internet services as twitter or facebook. However, here is two big differences between the innovative services and successful startup. To run any unknown stuff follows with the application of the whole intellectual power of the body and beyond his physical strength. Actually, what and how to run, not to be ruined and not fall down? Starter edition does not tolerate excess tails There is a strong temptation of the demiurge, to cover up their main idea, perfect as an egg, any kind of chips. The reality is that half of the audience chips don't clear and are too lazy to understand, and the other half used to do the same otherwise and relearn is not going to. Save budget! Take out the hosting and the audience strictly service, straight to Squareness. This will save you money on the initial development and support, familiar with the reac...