18-19 November 2017 in Moscow in coworking center "Atmosphere" will be held Russia's first Legal Tech hackathon

the Organizer of the hackathon will perform Moscow Legal Hackers, the Russian branch of international community of Legal Hackers, which currently has 59 branches throughout the world.

Earlier in may 2017 in Kiev was successful first in the CIS Legal Tech hackathon, which brought together more than 200 participants and guests.

We seek to combine on a single platform lawyers, who dream about getting a profession from mechanical work, and programmers who believe in the prospects of the industry, to help them develop ideas, the need of which demonstrates the market and provide the resources, business expertise and to see what will grow great products. Legal Tech is not yet included in the investment portfolios of the funds, but much has been done to make it happen. In particular, 2 of the best project will get a place in the accelerator and cash prizes from sponsors.
Anna Pozdnyakova General Counsel of the investment Fund Flint Capital

now we are often approached by students of last courses of Universities with the request to help in finding employment. The market reduces the amount of work Junior associate, replacing it with high-quality technological solutions, so it's time to stop being a business and become a business, creating jobs and doing interesting work.
Anar Kostenko CEO of legal labs Legal Hub

The hackathon will take place in 2 stages.

First – until 01 November – collection of applications for participation. According to its results, November 5, at 15.00 at the site of the hackathon will be held meeting with teams to discuss product ideas.

Second – the 18-19th of November in the coworking-center "Atmosphere" will host the main event which will last 2 days. The best experts of investment funds, accelerators, legal departments of corporations will actively work with the teams at the hackathon and share the experience.

Over the weekend, participants are encouraged to collect or Supplement the team under a project to make a prototype under the guidance of mentors, to present a product expert jury and win a cash prize and special prizes from sponsors and partners of the event.

Who should attend:

  • programmers, experts in machine learning, mathematics, graduate students of law schools;
  • the
  • profession;
  • the
  • Legal Tech startups;
  • the
  • entrepreneurs with experience in the development of technology-based businesses;
  • the
  • marketers who are interested to develop Legal Tech startups.

Participation is free of charge.

Register here

in a short time In Legal Tech will come a substantial amount of money. In 2014, Legal Tech startups in the US investors have invested $254 million, We believe that the quality of the projects of the hackathon will be so high that most of them will continue their life and development, and after him, as was the case with the solutions presented in Kiev.
Holger Csage CEO Infotropic Media

An indispensable tool in the solution of business problems are technology, penetrating into all spheres of life, even in such a conservative as law: artificial intelligence, machine learning, solutions built on the processing language to radically change the profession.

All interested are invited to showcase their ideas and achievements, and to enlist support in promoting your product.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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