Drag-the-Digit for the iPad. As we learned how to count in the mind or Our first application

"the First project... He is the most beloved!"

Hello, dear readers of Habra!


We do not want our labour was in vain. We believe that the project will be useful for quite a large number of users. That is why we make it completely free and without ads. However, plan to continue his support, revision and development.

the first.

I have a younger sister who is studying in the third grade. More recently, in the past academic year in mathematics (as, indeed, and all of us) were taught to solve various simple examples, equations, problems. Of course, this is a very important stage in the development of all. So my mom made (and is making) every effort to ensure that the training took place at the highest level. She offers the sister of different puzzles and examples on testing accounts and all this, of course, tasks on oral account. We have approached the problem: it is necessary to solve many, many examples to hone your skills, so to speak, but here and on the scene of various, not always pleasant circumstances. Need somewhere to take the examples for solutions. Buy a thin little book and work out? Well, but one is not limited to, children's educational literature is not so cheap. To write the task yourself? Okay, 10 pieces I do, and more? Leaked precious time. Need a better solution.

history of the second.

I am also learning. Only I'm not in school, and in College. Most importantly, my training is a red thread twisted programming. I'm very glad, I really enjoy it, but I think we can all agree that the study of the various algorithms, their implementation is not so compelling, because the visible result just isn't visible. Yes, I see, for example, how cool heapsort slaughters a hundred million array, or the like by using the Huffman algorithm can pinch the image, then unzip it and... enjoy. But joy is not full, because the things that surround us have their own face, people interact with them through interfaces. Against this background, my friend and I decided to write my own first draft, make it from the beginning to the very end, knowing Zen. Platform to choose in General didn't have to, I've been using iOS, and therefore decided to write under it. Not required to buy devices for testing (no, had I killed your tablet, and what he is guilty).

the third Story
(the descendant of History 1 and History 2).
Actually, so was born the idea to create a simulator of an oral account. For the content responsible mother as guru oral accounts, we with a companion are responsible for implementing. Since we are unable to imagine intended for a small screen phone or player, decided to write under iPad. It's been a while since the birth of ideas before implementation, simply because we simply did not have time. Do not consider it necessary to describe the process of development (though perhaps in a separate article we will discover a couple of interesting parts of the app).


So, fast forward a couple of months in advance. Meet / Drag-the-Digit — our first brainchild. As intended, we received a nice and fun way to make your child has to learn fast to count. What could be simpler than to drag his finger on the figure in the cage? By the way, this method was not adopted immediately, but we are very happy we chose it. The essence of the gameplay in the following. On the screen appears an example of which, of course, need to be addressed. For example, missing addend in the sum, the child drags a finger right numbers in the empty cell, then checks the correctness of the answer. This simple mechanism has several varieties of jobs from the equations to the magic square, and the complexity can range from basic to decent (decent enough that many adults don't even want to consider such numbers, although they are no more than double).

Teaching function.

Here we have made the 53-level for 20 jobs each. The difficulty increasing as you progress. We basically forbade it possible to go further without solving example. Is the condition: wrong three times — if you start the level over again. Guaranteed, at a fair decision, the child will learn to count!

the Free mode.

It's simple — choose the task, put the number and go!

Mode for a while.

5 minutes. It can be a lot of things to do. And you can poreshat primerchiki. Randomly given example (the type and complexity also random). Decided — got the following.

In addition, we implemented a profile system. Even if you don't have to create more, it will come in handy. You can view your stats and track progress.

It is, in fact, all that I wanted to tell. Would be very interested to know your suggestions to improve the project.

[iTunes Link]

We do not want our labour was in vain. Use your health!
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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