Google promotes sites with HTTPS in the results

Google will start to use HTTPS as a factor in the position of a site in their search results — this step should lead to change web developers, who do not hurry with the increased security measures, or who doubted how important it is for their website, pichet TechCrunch.
HTTPS support will have the same weight, such as the quality of the content, and the first time a new criterion will affect less than 1% of all global searches — so Google gives webmasters time to transition to HTTPS. Over time, however, the effect of encryption on search results will grow, as the company gives more importance to security sites.
Google also promises to publish a series of articles about the efficient use TLS (HTTPS, is also known as HTTP over TLS or Transport Layer Security), so that site developers can better understand what they need to do in order to implement the technology and what mistakes can be avoided. These tips will include such issues as what type of certificate is required how to use relative URLS for resources on the same secure domain, best practices for indexing sites, and more.
In addition, Google advises web developers to test their sites with HTTPS using the tool Qualys Lab. In case of any issues, the company proposes to apply to your Help forum for web masters, where its employees are already involved in active discussions with the community.
The announcement drew a lot of feedback from developers and participants of the SEO industry — for example, post the Google blog got more than 1000 comments. For the most part, the community seems to support the innovation, or at least admit that they were expecting something like this and not surprised.
Itself Google in recent months has taken steps to better protect its own traffic, including traffic encryption between their servers. Also Gmail now always uses an encrypted HTTPS connection, which protects emails from being intercepted on the way between the user's computer and Google's servers. HTTPS and encryption of sites have existed for many years, but, apparently, recent revelations about the scale of the government surveillance of users finally push the community for increased attention to its security.
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