TorrentMonitor Hello again

a year and a half ago I wrote here about his development of TorrentMonitor. Someone may be have already read and enjoyed long ago, and someone can be not even heard, so I want to tell you about it again, especially that year and a half I did not sit idly by. This is an automatic tracking system torrent-trackers, which automatiseret the process of downloading torrent files.

The most important thing for this system is an extension of the number of supported trackers, not for the sake of quality, of course. During this time, the number of supported trackers doubled. Actually screw the support to the next tracker in a matter of hours, unless it uses some very very clever engine or not too convenient for parsing (this mainly applies to the naming topics of the hands, for example to add it was not possible, due to the lack of a naming standard hands). Now the list of supported trackers as follows:
  • the
  • the
  • the
  • the
  • the
  • the
  • the
  • the
  • the
  • the

The trackers are each divided into 2 types:
— Forum — those who have updated the distribution
— Single — those on which a new series of post one

Here I will tell a bit more about how it works, because it is a frequent question. A added for monitoring the series and expect something to happen, but it's not. The monitor will react to this series only when it appears in RSS feeds, but if you add a theme with then torrrent file is downloaded immediately after the first system start-up, and the next time only when perezalit torrrent file on the tracker.

Formulae trackers, have the opportunity to monitor releasename

It is also in my opinion it is convenient and useful when the tracker is relizer that puts music in your favorite style, for example.

The second major innovation was, finally, support for torrent clients, which allows you to send torrent files directly to the client that it shakes, and it is able to remove the previous distribution of the customer (no matter what the type of distribution, "formula" or "single"). "Friends" TM Transmission and Deluge, because it is the most popular customers among my users and asked them "to tie". It was, perhaps the biggest, to expand the functionality over time. But, unfortunately, there are limitations — it works only on *nix, because the work is based through the console these customers.

Also, in connection with locks several trackers at home providers, very much asked to put the ability to work through proxy, so it was sold and now the system can be wrapped in tor (to install it and configure will, of course separately). As a class, working with databases, is versatile and supports: MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL.

Surprisingly, TM has become quite popular, I see that it is bolted not only on machine with Windows/Linux/Mac OS on which it is, of course, works fine, but on various off-the-shelf devices based on Linux: zyxel keenetic, various NAS'Oh, and nas4free.

I hope this post and my small razrabotochka seem useful to someone and even if just one person after reading she will use me and that will be enough.

In General, I am very interested to develop the project further, I would be extremely interested in working with programmers to improve the system or add new functionality, add new torrent trackers and learn for yourself something new. For this I invite everyone to github.
And most importantly, a link to the latest version 0.9.2 well as deploy and test the system described in the readme file in the archive.

And then I'll hide the rest of the screenshots :)

System requirements:
PHP 5.3 and above, must be compiled with cURL and PDO.
Also, in php.ini (for CLI), you must change the following settings:
max_execution_time = 300
allow_url_fopen = on (this option is desirable to include in php.ini for CLI and web server)
to set the date.timezone

  • download the archive
  • the
  • import the database dump from the db_schema directory depending on the used DB *.sql
  • the
  • move all files to a folder on your server (e.g. /var/www/htdocs/torrentmonitor/)
  • the
  • run config.php and specify the information to access the database
  • the
  • go to the web interface (default password is torrentmonitor, change(!) it after first login).
  • the
  • specify credentials from trackers
  • the
  • specify in the settings save path of the torrent (the folder that is monitored by your torrent client), e-mail and enable/disable notifications
  • you add torrents for monitoring the

  • go to the tab "test" and check whether everything is working correctly
  • the
  • is added to cron engine.php

*/10 * * * * php -q /path/to/folder/torrent_monitor/engine.php

And a couple of words for the paranoid: the Passwords for your uchetok stored in the database, to me, nothing is sent. For your own peace of mind you can close any activity in my domain, except for the file he needs to check the updates (although if you do live paranoid, and updates are not checked).

Would love to hear your thoughts on the further development of the project and interesting functionality.
Article based on information from


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