google life search

Yesterday Google announced the Live search

So, what is it and how to use it? Did it make your search more relevant and convenient for users? How to get it, where to enter a query to see live results?

The algorithm is still driven around and while fully works only for English queries. You enter the query and see the results of the search in the middle of the page in the section Latest result for “your request”. Can try enter your query here.

For example, a request Obama. About the middle of the page is visible to block the Latest results that are updated in real-time.


New results on request Obama constantly updated and added to the search results. If this text is annoying, you can pause by clicking "Pause", but completely remove the "live search" from the results it is impossible.

Adam Smith, a Google employee, guiding the development of new search system in real time, says that not all queries can be seen regularly updated information: "if we receive good quality information on this request – we'll show her, there is none"

Thus, if Google believes that it has good quality information in real time, it displays it in the block. In particular, if Google sees a surge of information on a certain topic, as well as the growth of queries on this subject – google believes that the requested event just happens in the moment, and it makes sense to display information on this event at the moment.

If you click on the link to the latest results, you will go to page search list in real time.


Where are the results?

— via Twitter
— Google news
— Google blog search
— created web pages
— just updated the web page
— updates FriendFeed
— updates Wattpad
— updates to
— updates TwitArmy

Soon promise to include updates from FaceBook and MySpace, but updates only those users who are allowed to publish their updates freely available. At the moment there is an agreement with the services, but results in the capture is not appear.

By the way, Bing already has an agreement with FaceBook about the data transfer but does not yet search results. But Bing there is no agreement with MySpace.
As ranked information? Google claims that in a special block of live search can get only highly relevant request information. Thus spam tweets page with content of low quality and govnosayty not get into the block live search. (Google knows how to weed them out) After filtering "bad" pages, the ordering happens at the time.
You can switch from viewing all results (All results) to view only the news, the blogs or updates (Twitter?), filtering out unnecessary information.


Of course, there are interfaces live search for Android and iPhone

Google says that while he had no intention to create a separate page for searching in real-time (as there are search blogs, images, or news), but now there is a page configured to search information in real time

Hot topics current moment excite the English-speaking world, you could find here

And lastly, a movie from Google:

Google could exist without a real-time search, but the information is more complete and rapid. People are getting into various scrapes faster I will write about it in your blog/microblog, than the professional media will make this report. Tsunami, fires, condition of ski slopes, user reviews on new movies – all this information appears in blogs faster than the news.
Article based on information from


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