Calendar for Ashnikov: introduction


Today we would like to tell you about one ambitious project. Namely, the calendar for Ashnikov and all whom he just like. Why is there this idea that we were moved and that the result will be discussed in this article.

Programming various applications for different platforms, there is often a thought: did my program to someone? Or maybe it is useless? After all, when you are doing something that someone needs... that solves someone's problem, and why people using the program ceased to work late because some process was automated... it always brings from development is much more fun than when your app no one when you don't try to use it. There are many reasons to enjoy software development.

Let's take an example: suppose you write software for a major Bank. In this Bank, in addition to your program, there are about 350 projects, each of which can be divided into 5-10 sub-projects. And each of these sub-projects due to the use of other projects from other development teams (part of which is in India and some in England, for example) is written, to put it mildly, Krivenko. Well, your program is no exception to this rule. And let your program does copying files from point a to point B. Boring, you say, little motivation? And in fact, this program is not just automatiseret a process, it acts as a very powerful assistant team support. Because now eliminated the human factor, which constantly put the wrong version of the files into the wrong folder. You have helped countless number of employees who were up in the night because of an incident caused by another sleepy employee who manually, using remote desktop through a SSH tunnel to some internal security protocols, authorization using tokens, and copied this file and made a mistake in his name to a symbol.

Let's take a different situation... That you were approached with was asked to write a contact Manager for Android. Bored? Not at all! Unlike games and other applications, contact Manager is the application that will never remove, and which will live as long as the phone itself. Think about how responsible it is necessary to approach the development of this app. It should be comfortable and thoughtful.

We decided to make this calendar so that people feel that IT is not just something new in our lives. IT is firmly established in our life. IT's everywhere, from your pockets where plastic cards work from Java, and the phones are more like laptops than just a means of communication. And inject the space stations and air defense. Music, art, planning, Finance... Yes, almost all now controlled by computer systems. While you are reading this article in the world bought as many machines that their computational power is enough, the Institute of nuclear physics to calculate the physical processes occurring at the atomic bomb explosion.

Here, for example the page dedicated to the love, the month of March. We have long thought what to choose. It must be done so that it attracted the ladies, men are not scared, going through this page.

This page is designed to show how the world has become a single with the advent of computer technology that was unthinkable easy, if you want, to take and to write the Chinese letter. Just to tell him "good morning!". And the message he will receive almost instantly! This page tells the story of two people who met online, and common interests. They are at a great distance from each other and live in different countries. When one party erupted outside the window dawn, another night comes and lights the lamps... these are two completely different beliefs, different values, different language... But using their laptops, they are together. They can communicate on those topics that interest. They can be inspired by each other's work, the results of each other... They can fall in love with each other, and to desire to be together. It is truly amazing the opportunities that we are presented with computer technology. Have you ever lay on the couch, remembering the last conversation with a loved one?

And computer games, allowing to be your imagination into a different place? Want to feel what a family is? And it will be a simulator. Want to ride a bike? To control an army of robots? To win the battle in Germany? To go to other galaxies? Millions of programmers in the world work for You are. Millions of testers test the games that they did not contain those dostepnych errors, in which the game crashes and you didn't even save. You want to survive before you get killed, right? Millions of jobs are intended to make your fantasies come true. Tens of thousands ingenerov designing the graphics card is able to display true photorealistic image of the world that will help your imagination to get maximum pleasure.

Now there are countless number of people can easily move their fantasies with the help of software, drawing, modeling... It must reflect our next work, titled "inspiration". It is not important what around... a Bunch of dirty dishes, no food in the fridge, or your body aching from exhaustion... But if you are covered by inspiration, all goes by the wayside! Your thoughts are shrouded in ideas and images... You can't stand still and think about something else. Now you're inside his thoughts... And your hand quickly sketching Otok thoughts using a pen and tablet... Imagination... creativity... that is the driving force of the artist. And it is wonderful that now the artist can easily sketch, being in the crush in the subway just because he was visited by a great idea.

Very soon, in two weeks, we announce the release of the project and I hope that the idea to give yourself or someone for the new year calendar Fatmata A2, made the best freelancers seem good. Closer to release we'll write a couple of articles that will talk about the specifics we have encountered when developing the calendar and complexities.

Also I want to note that we have introduced three methods of monetization of the project:
  • You can earn on the project if will publish somewhere your Ref link to the project (it will appear later, with the publication of the project) and clicking on this link people will buy the calendars. If you recommend us to a shop that will come to us to make a booking, you will also go a percentage of sales. Calendar English, so the materials can be not only Russian resources. Ie just put in the maximum number of blogs to which you have access. It's not difficult? We are not greedy and give a third of profits from sales of your recommendations. If you have ideas or wish to remind you about the project personally – in a personal email, we will contact you;
  • the
  • Expensive IT company. If you have not yet decided what to give to their employees, in my opinion, you have found a win-win solution. If you have any desire to give this calendar to your employees, feel free to contact me. I will try to answer all your questions as quickly as possible;
  • the
  • soon you will be able to just go to our website to buy one or more copies. The purchase price is determined by the cost of the calendar (600R.) plus shipping costs to the city or town (if it's Peter).

We reserve all copyrights for authors. What is the practice to say that all he did? The work is done by absolutely different artists, each in his unique style. And it gave us the opportunity to 13 do not like each other, work. All authors should sign their work. Plus, at the end of the calendar will be published the full list of authors with list of their contacts. Without you, dear illustrators, it would never have become a reality.
so, format – A2, bind on the short edge 13 of artworks on the topic of technology. A great gift for the new year any!

UPD: shipping — anywhere in the world, which delivers EMS

See you in a few weeks!
Article based on information from


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