Enough nostalgia for the old Habro or reincarnation in our hands!

In recent years, among the comments to almost every hepatopexy slips nostalgic posts about the fact that Habr is not the same that 2 years ago, it was like wow, etc.
All this reminds me of the post-Soviet gatherings in the kitchen with alternating cries of
I under the Soviet regime Oooooh...
— I'm under the Soviet regime, ohhh...
And all these multi-million cheers across the country United by their one common quality: no one bothered to return those times, when it was all Ooooo how cool. It was all — one chatter and moaning.
Here and now on habré the picture is absolutely the same. All the screaming that things are not as we would like, but it is we ourselves create what we have. The user generally Habra(almost) not interfere in the life of the community, so to nod in the direction of power we do not have.
/ >
What I suggest:
Start small — let's work out some rules based on which we will try "live" on habré at least one week.
Rules are developed collectively. We have a community here, if anyone forgot))
In the comments please write their own versions of rules that I would like to see in the list.
Sentences with the largest number of pluses will be added to this topic.

the UPD: to ensure that habré a lot of Troll — look at my karma. It lowered the kids down to 0 almost. It does not matter — continue to work out the rules.
the UPD2:
From below read found a very good idea, but it is difficult to do in view of the extreme inertness of developers Habra:
the Yet I don't want to see the gadgets on the home. Even if the authors of these news put a tick "only for members of the blog". the Meaning of this sentence is that a man could just unsubscribe from some blog and then the problems immediately became dramatically less. Don't like practi — just text me from this blog and you more never will see, etc. is Realized with software on the basis of Habra for a couple of days maximum.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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