Experience writing 2D MOBA platformer for a few days

It all started with the fact that his eyes accidentally came across a contest from NextCastle Party, where it is offered in a limited period of time (the topic was announced a week) to create a game.

It was a condition for the possibility to play with live players on one computer (whether pvp or co-op, synchronously or asynchron). And there were restrictions on the platforms it is necessary that the game was in the browser.

In fact, after learning about the competition — dare to participate. Embarrassed, however, that in the contest you can use any of the practices... Because if someone does just such a game and get to the contest almost finished project? And we have suitable experience — well, actually no. Well, okay, afraid of wolves — in the woods not to go. In the end, an interesting experience.

the Idea and concept

The first thing to decide is what to do. To do something step-by-step didn't want, and the game in mind is too important to be balance. Balancing a strategy with limited time we did not dare. So that leaves arcade genres. From arcades (thanks to HuG'and his letsplay — the first thing that came to mind is platformer Spelunky).

Also, in terms of the competition it was said that will be particularly valuable kibersportivnogo games. What first comes to mind when the word "eSports"? We immediately thought about Dota / LoL.

OK, here's the concept. 2D platformer + MOBA. Yes, we know that there is Awesomenauts. But none of us was playing them, and especially not to look, not to be held hostage to other people's ideas.

print design

OK, make a Dot in 2D. But I play DotA 5x5, 3x3 Awesomenauts, and we have only 1x1. It is clear that the line towers and creeps should also be 1. But what about the farm? And what's a platformer?

On reflection, we quickly came to the following concept: the top part of the screen given over to the farm, and in the lower part directly coming waves of creeps and towers are. What farm is usually in a platformer? Collecting coins. OK, let's do that.

In fact, the whole concept pretty quickly moved on paper:

We had to solve the problem, so I was able permitsa and not be afraid that the opponent will have to blow your base.

This dare is quite simple — the enemy creep wave at the beginning is very thick and strong, so trying to push in the beginning of the game makes no sense. At the same time, unlike MOBA games, killing creeps money we do not give, so it forces players permitsa at the top of the card.


Art long thought. I love all and you can draw quickly? Pixel art! In the process of deliberation we came up with the idea to do something with funny animals. Let us fight hamsters or something... Then it was left to the mercy of the artist (treety). So the whole merit of the design.

He came up with different square hares.

After chose the coolest rabbit, he quickly drew various animations. Jumping, shooting... And also minions. He also became a hare, but smaller (the taller — rengevich, the very small — milesnick).

Actually, the name is also invented at once — "Rabbit must die".

To farm coins did not seem to raspberries, I added neutral monsters you kill with 1 shot.

development Platform and coding

With the platform decided immediately. Actually, the choice here is not great — Flash, HTML5 and Unity. Because from the first long gone, the second almost know and experience more of it in Unity — it chose him.

However, 2D had to use a third-party library (ex2D), because the new version of unity (4.3) with full 2D support is still not out... Oh Well, the experience of using ex2D already have (like the library purchased), and to deal with the new 4.3 would not be time.
In principle, all zakatilos (4 hands) pretty quickly (thanks to my friend and second programmer Dartius). The only thing that we have absolutely no experience of creating a platformer, and I had to catch a couple of rakes.

From the beginning, we rushed to write it yourself. But then I thought, "in unity there is physics!". And started to try to use physics. But after a couple hours we realized that it doesn't really suit us (well, or hands at us curves). The characters kept trying to slip sideways, to catch hold of something, etc. So went back to samopisnye the bike.

And you know what was the most difficult? Stairs!!!

Character keep them clung to, not wanted to jump or Vice versa — fell... to Admit that we did not have time to make good mechanics of stairs. But at least at a certain skill — you can learn how to use them. Most importantly — a bigger jump :)

Made even hooks over the edge a La Spelunky.

Was little. To make towers, creeps, and upgrades. Over upgrades a lot of thought — run speed, damage, HP and armor. However, then we realized you don't want to bathe with armor and health, so that the first was abolished and replaced by a firing range.

And running the first time the creeps — we experienced just the same, huge pleasure!!! It was very funny to watch as they try to do. Jump, throw something at enemies... Like, and know why they act this way (because he wrote the logic) — but still — to watch them was very funny.


Pixelart need 8-bit sound, obviously. A lot of time to spend on the sound, we could not, so a quick rivet effects in the online generator of 8-bit sounds BFXR. There everything is clear and simple. Even if you do a lot of sound — you can poke the button "generate the sound of the jump" until you get what you want.

the First play-tests

Most exciting was to try to play for the first time. After all, we know that we will be able to write "jump" and "shoot". But it will be interesting to play this??

Bringing another bottle of whiskey and a couple of controllers, we anxiously in the heart of the game...

And you know what? Surprisingly, even the first balance, which was written anyhow — already worked! Yes, there were mistakes, but the game was really provocatively and recklessly.

Half a day was spent on the fine tuning... Spinning rates and ratios. Tried to ensure that the game has evolved. So at the initial stage was the concentration in the collecting of gold, and closer to the middle of the war between the frizz and waves.

I had to kill one done feature. At first it was assumed that the hare will have to shut down shield. But during the game we realized that the dynamics of the game is so great, that this feature is absolutely useless. Much easier to run and to jump.

So even in such a small project, we are faced with feature cut'e om.


What can I say? We loved it! Play is really fun and perky. Was even different tactics (different purchases). For example, buying shoes — it is possible to jump to places with a bunch of coins. But at the same time, your opponent can go to damage and to begin to push creeps.

Of course, not enough time to do the platforming is perfect. And the balance tests just for us. But for such a short development time — we are more than happy! When you get a bunch of fun nadera ass the second programmer in his own game, or Vice versa — want to win — that's priceless!

I do not know what will be our competitors... we'll See. In a week all know. Then the organizers and put the games in the share.
If someone is interested in specific details — ask. With pleasure I will answer.

UPDATE: Feel the game in online here.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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