From idea to App Store: 24 hours, 2 appendices

Hello, dear readers of Habra!

Due to the relatively great popularity of my last stream (From idea to App Store in 24 hours), I decided to start a new stream. This time won't be limited to one app, and bring from idea to the App Store for two applications per 24-hour marathon.

The marathon, as always, available here: General chat for spectators and leading to jabber'e:

Set aside for a marathon we have a great backend-developer (@pro100hikka98 — General Media Group) will write from scratch two applications:

  1. the App is an aggregator of public accounts for various services
  2. the
  3. iOS client for exchange huskies, repost and subscribers

In the program stream:

  • the Development of two iOS applications and backends for them
  • the
  • Free communication, a permanent interactive
  • the
  • Teleconference in Vancouver: the development is in two hemispheres
  • a competition for the best icons for apps the

  • Great music (Tender May included)
  • the
  • Complete the process of publishing apps in the App Store
  • the
  • Laughter, intrigue, investigation

Application ideas:

  1. Simple application with a database behind. On the Internet someone is not right, and you are too lazy to register on the website? The decision is always in your pocket: find Internet service in a constantly updated database; enter the suggested username and password; prove to your opponent why he is wrong! Want to help the army of the guardians of the truth? Sign up yourself and add the new data into the system in a few touches of the screen!
  2. the
  3. You have created another incredibly successful public in contact with the best content in the network, and for some reason people don't go? Swap your likes on someone else in a couple of clicks! Incredibly simple and handy application to monitor your statistics.

Both apps are free. Any ways of monetization do not exist.

You are welcome to the stream!

After 14 hours of development, the first app reached the stage of "Waiting for Review" in the Apple App Store. Alas, the second application of the strength I have is not enough — an effect of the frequency of the marathons. Will do later in normal mode.

A huge thank you to all for supporting live! I take my leave to sleep.
Article based on information from


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