Gaming conference DevGamm, White Nights and health industry
Six months ago I 've compiled a brief guide on conferences for game developers, and now it's time to review where I was right you where wrong, and observe the changing market events in Russia and around her.

All I want indie
In fact, all conference organizers want more of stands with games, but stands out with indie, because big-name developers, the organizers are trying to withdraw money, and indie filming nothing, they are invited just. This is a very positive trend — communicative developer can now fit on glancey business event Mobile VAS and indie DevGamm and at different startup events to attract investors.
In this paragraph the key word is “gregarious”. The organizers of the free name is familiar commands, which are known to decorate the demo area of their activities. If you are just beginning your journey igrodely try to be useful and significant for industry: write a blog, participate in communicate with industry leaders on twitter...
Presentation — it's just an excuse
A good conference key opens it's flagship speaker on it (or even better for a morning coffee before the most important report of the event) decided to come to all. Then presentation halls are empty, and the guests do, in fact, do: sell/buy/looking projects, traffic, advertising, learn, swear... In General, work. At industry conferences experienced developers very, very little, and all these people around — bizdev and marketing, often from gaming services: billing, advertising.
At DevGamm Moscow and we have tried to collect a lot of technical presentations about the art, optimization, physics, organized a round table grogorov, called the industry leaders to think in the hearing and to communicate with people — tried to break the stereotype posed in the title of the paragraph. Who was on Digame have we got?

White Nights — on the contrary, the conference about marketing and services about game making as a business. From the St. Petersburg conference guests expect a lot of useful networking and little useful reports, so the speakers consoled video records reports: “you will hear people on the Internet”.
People on the Internet, be sure to view records of reports of Chinese and Korean divisions of Unity — they tried to tell me about the character and mentality of Asian users. It is time to understand these strange millions of downloads from China that do not generate a single dollar...
Health industry
Surely you, dear reader, going to a conference of game developers to find the money, publishers, traffic, get feedback, someone to meet. And obviously not in order to learn the secrets of rendering and new features of DX11, am I right? Any new rules the industry of game making.
For knowledge to really go to a workshop, sometimes on CG event s and SIGGRAPH's, which in our country enough. The conference became a tool that must be skillfully and creatively use it.
“Throw your page and start making art-house” - broadcast from the podium happy Bogdan Sereda, taking another prize in DevGamm conference. His project Breached not intermeddle in any casual frame, was very different from the rest of the nominees and... was seen by the jury. And forensics would suggest it is better to do kazualki about balls for Vkontakte...

- Spring DevGamm Moscow pleased with the strong technical program, excellent oragnizatsiya and a very healthy balance at the hotel. Next year it will be necessary to look at the time, the place, the list of sponsors and speakers. Event worth attention. the
- Old St. Petersburg White Nights grows, develops and discusses mobile marketing. Next year the organizers promise to pay more attention to new platforms, features cross-platform marketing and immobile to publishing. Take a look at Night next year.
- On the Unite Seattle will be a lot of announcements about Unity — it makes sense to go to get everything at once, to meet with colleagues and developers of the engine, and are still alive to discuss all innovations, new services, see roadmap. The event focuses on technology and business, do not send back only the Director, be sure to take more and senior developer.
- To IgroMir I look for that year. And what happens now? Comiccon with elements of CREE or CREE Game with elements of Comiccon, or... Demo video on the website promises a great show about games and comics plus, somewhere a hidden part of the creators. I don't know how to approach this event, which side it is interesting to the developer without millions and budgets of AAA games.
Quo Vadis Berlin held active, lively, along with other gaming events and festivals. All very indie, attending lectures one hour before the closing of the conference halls were full. Then all together on the bike and on the road to creative a special hangar for the exhibition of interactive installations. All the time the focus was the game, not a business. Interesting event. the
Gamescom traditionally brings together industry Europe and a little industry of the world in Cologne. The format is familiar: no one goes to GDC Europe, but all have set up meetings on Gamescom'e and near it. A good way to feel the pulse of the market and find the right friends domestic, European and global industry. Expensive, but I got to go... the
DevGamm Minsk also moved from Kiev, but chose, in my opinion, inconvenient dates between Gameworld and Live Mobile from Game Insight. Plus Western people very difficult to get a visa to Belarus, and local promise to come to the big event in Vilnius. In the end, there is very little reason to go to Minsk of Devgem.
Live Mobile Vilnius this year will be held in conjunction with the the conference about investors from Califronia. Game Insight promises 3,000 people and incredible networking. Judging by the reviews, the conference was noticed by the industry, Peter, Moscow, to prepare for it, ask. According to rumors, will be a visa free of charge — a great chance to visit the Moscow conference in a new setting. the
Casual Connect Belgrade moved from Kiev to Serbia is a good chance to see what's going on in the Czech Republic, Austria and Central European geymdeve in General. Plus meet Ukrainian game development. Sounds interesting, support.
the Organizers of Mobile VAS promise to transform the business forum show more about trends and awards, talk about the demo-zone. If you have a casual game, clear to people from the industry, you probably want to try in this demo area to get into.
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