Habr intermittently inaccessible for a few minutes

PS Opened the topic of "drafts" back to history :)

the People, not only plus more on this topic, and it is so in the main will come out, and problems, quite possibly with my settings.

After the last DDoS attack on Habr, when the heroic efforts of the staff and the host solved the problem with zombie networks, the problem came to me. Habr periodically (and frequently) stops responding to requests. Just like this:

It works-works, and suddenly stops. And several times per day and for a few minutes (2-3). Accordingly, the comments are lost (without the possibility to press the back button — when sending comments disappear, and remains only a topic) and new topic (but here I can at least return) — it's incredibly annoying. Others, however, at this time the server responds normally (at one point I asked on Twitter — a couple of people said it's OK).

Previously I thought something with my channel, but, judging by the comments, at least one person has the same problem. Basically, I write this topic to ask — is this with others? I don't remember this problem has been to a DDoS attack, I think is the result of those protective measures are being taken to prevent it. I don't know how much I like the robot, but the feeling that I am for him.

Of course, I could be wrong, so please check periodically whether my ip address into the black list, and if so, can I fix it? Ready to time, when Habr stops pingomatic to be able to accurately check the logs.

And that, people, honestly, do not have the patience.

PS Said to protestirovat.

I do not understand. Just Habr not the ping:

the backtrace to ya.ru: ( — adsl modem-router)

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In this time trace to Habra:

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The last line, sootvetstvenno, when Habr again begins to pingomatic.

The normal route to Habra:

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Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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