Habrahabr: life hacks for every day

imageI guess any site has its little secrets and tricks that make using the site more comfortable and convenient. They are not self-evident and known, not everyone, but those who know them, can achieve the desired result with less effort or more simple and fast way.
In this thread I propose to share some of the techniques that you use on habré.
I only have two, and both seem needed.

How to read the post in the drafts

Who has not faced the fact that passing the link on a new post, only saw the notification that post has been deleted in the drafts by the author or a UFO?
Of course, you can try to find the post in the cache of a search engine or a web archive. But it is much easier to edit a link to the post, adding at the beginning only the two letters "so": "sohabrahabr.ru". In the result you will get the Sohar — a project that posts Habrahabr. There you can read the post and comments to it, if the author takes him in the draft or the post will be hidden by the administration.

It looks like the famous post "about bread" on habré: habrahabr.ru/post/213387
He Shabre: sohabrahabr.ru/post/213387

To use Sahara there is a small limitation: Sohar start on 20 September 2013, so the posts that were added habré before this date, it finds.

what not to say

Discuss karma on habré is not accepted. But to think that no one is banned. And thoughts as influenced by some post or comment on the karma of its author, sometimes appear.
To see the change of karma of carpolithes over the past 90 days allows Habroker — a site that collects and preserves the values of karma and user rating.
Link to personal habroker user is: habrometr.ru/users/username/. Substituting into it the user nickname, you can see how to change his karma for the last time.

Habroker collects the value of karma for registered users only. For those who are on Apometre not registered (read, didn't know about it), to see the change of karma will not work.

Cyrillic links

Of course, the Cyrillic links are found not only on Habrahabr. But on the website IT subject to see links to a few lines of strange characters, is especially surprising. To correctly copy the Cyrillic link can be in two stages. First, copy the first part of the reference up to the last slash, and then what's coming for him.
If your browser is called Firefox, to teach him the correct display of Cyrillic links you can change the settings:

Tell us what techniques work with Habrahabr do you use? May be some add-on? Or style? Or is there something else on this site, what you learned immediately and would like to share with everyone?

Used the picture from the post Squier


UPD1: varagian offered a link to a website the Pulse and Habr Habr-Analytics. A description of the project can be found here.

UPD2: recently, on Habrahabr told about a bookmarklet that checks spelling and corrects errors. It is very convenient to use to check their posts and find typos.
Code bookmarklet
javascript:(function(){function main(){var text=document.body.innerHTML;text=text.replace(/<.*?>/g,"") text=text.replace(/[^a-za-Eee]/g,"") text=text.replace(/\s+/g," ");var fragments=splitByLimit(text,1e4);for(var i=0,len=fragments.length;i<len;i++)checkAndReplace(fragments[i])}function splitByLimit(text,limit){var fragments=[],words=text.split(" "),fragment=[],fragmentLen=0;for(var i=0;i<words.length;i++){var word=words[i];fragmentLen+word.length*6>limit&&(fragments.push(fragment.join (" ")),fragment=[],fragmentLen=0),fragment.push(word),fragmentLen+=word.length*6+3,i==words.length-1&&fragments.push(fragment.join(" "))}return fragments}function checkAndReplace(text){var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){this.readyState==4&&(xhr.status==200?(data=JSON.parse(xhr.responseText),replaceWords(data)):console.log(xhr.status))},xhr.open("GET","http://speller.yandex.net/services/spellservice.json/checkText?options=7&text="+text,!0),xhr.send()}function replaceWords(data){if(!data)return;var body=document.body.innerHTML;for(var i=0,len=data.length;i<len;i++){var subst=data[i];if(subst.s.length!==0&&subst.word.length>4){var replacement="+subst.s[0]+" ";replacement+="+subst.word.split("").join("")+"";var regexp=new RegExp(subst.word);body=body.replace(regexp,replacement)}}document.body.innerHTML=body}main()})();

And a small poll to see how popular this post.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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