HomeLisp two years later

it has been exactly two years since the publication on habré articles about HomeLisp. The article posted by my son, has caused quite a heated discussion and violent attack of a certain part of the audience.

What happened during these two years with the project?

In a hurry "to please" detractors: the project is not abandoned and is slowly developing. 09.02.2012 the developer posted on the website homelisp.ru latest package version 1.13.4. This section will explain how it differs from the previous one (the one habrovany believed two years ago).

the Most important difference — become lexical variables (imagine the developer knows that this lexical variable, circuit, generator, etc.) There are also dynamic variables, which serves a special function.

The body of the function can now consist of multiple S-expressions (as is customary in modern versions of Lisp);

We implemented Common Lisp on the setting and optional function parameters. Supports the ability to create functions with unspecified number of arguments.

Implemented many features of Common Lisp (LET, DO, DOTIMES, DOLIST, LOOP, IF, WHEN, UNLESS, etc.)

Implemented hash-arrays, and the necessary set of functions to work with them.

The possibility of persistence of Lisp machines in a disk file. Recorded absolutely everything — down to graphics in the Windows. The information can be restored from a file.

Implement a simple dialog debugger.

In the package of graphical functions added the ability to draw bézier curves and control transparency of the window.

Added functions VARLIST CONTEXT and showing the state of the current context.

Implemented interval timer.

Implemented reverse lock-in macros.

The script part of the Web-components re-written in JavaScript-e, so now to work with the web component you can use FireFox or Oper-(tested!)

And, in addition, fixed a decent number of small (and not bugs).

Overall, HomeLisp closer to Common Lisp (and not increased much in volume).

Now a few words about the use of HomeLisp. According to the author information pack downloaded a couple of thousand users. It (the package) was slowly applied to learning Lisp (in Novosibirsk, for example, where the author gave a 20 minute message). Began to come across references to HomeLisp in different forums.

Links mostly positive, except for the vicious attack of lycosoidea. In short, everything — as usual.

In the summer of 2011, the author participated in the work of the famous Siberian summer school of young programmers LSUP-2011, where he taught 6-8 graders Lisp using HomeLisp.

And in September — December 2011 the author has read a short course of functional programming in the Saratov Technical University, again on the basis of HomeLisp.

Thus, we can say that the initial intentions of the author quite realized. And the project will develop further.

In conclusion, the author wants to say be grateful for any constructive criticism and suggestions.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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