How to be a good designer for 365 days

I Offer translation article "How To Become An Awesome Designer In 365 Days" author Marko Stupić.

One of the ancient sayings, which motivates me — “Practice makes perfect”. Proverbs are banal, but in certain situations get to the point. I'm a workaholic by nature, which is, of course, has both positive and negative sides. One of the positive side — I can't give yourself a break and do nothing all day. On the other hand, work without rest and clear goals reduces motivation and, certainly, tiring. That's why I decided to trust good old proverb and try to become better.

Be a great designer is a serious challenge. To become known and recognized — even more difficult. In the field of digital design so many narrow specialties with many categories of designers who, each in their own field, make a name for himself. Some of them are great web designers, and other great UI designers, if you focus on animation, and so on. How to find yourself among a large number of successful people, and that cares more about how to succeed in such a competitive environment?

The answer to this question is: work, work and work again. Of course, the talent helps. But it is the perseverance and the work separates a good designer from a great one.

What I want to share is my story about how I started my path on personal and professional growth.

This illustration is my first step in Dribbble.


The obvious advantage of working in a creative and well-known digital Agency — your environment forces you to improve at every step. Your colleagues are experts in their field, and the last thing you would like to keep up. Competitive environment acts as a positive incentive.

I wanted to belong to one of these amazing people. I knew I needed to develop my creativity and promote myself as a designer.

The first thing that came to mind — training. When I go to the gym, I often see athletes who train daily, developing dexterity, strength and coordination. Same with musicians. They repeat their songs until then, until you start to perform them from memory. Practicing in a variety of activities, we learn new things, new moves. Our brain creates new synaptic connections, and we begin to see the problem in a new light — in other words, we develop our creativity.

Practice leads to perfection. Only perfect practice makes perfect. Vince Lombardi

Create a test

Have the motivation to action is as critical, if you want to grow and develop. I need this test to have to outdo themselves. I also need to visualize the end goal. When you develop an application, you know, what do you expect from the final product. Many subtle points have to settle and calm in the course of the project, but your goal should be clear. In my case that means I need to come up with a design project that will require you to surpass yourself.

First published illustration.

This project

The initial idea was to create a simple icon for every day in the year, using Adobe Illustrator as main tool. The concept is simple: a circle in which I enter the icon. The themes of the illustrations are completely different. I must admit that in the beginning I wasn't sure what this something will lead. But the main goal was to improve my skills in digital graphics. I wanted to do different illustrations to master multiple styles. I learned its capabilities (and continue to learn them).
Since then, as the project began, it is almost a life of its own. Creating icons has become my second self, almost like brushing your teeth every morning.

Although the initial idea was simple icons, eventually they became full-blown illustration.


Finished illustration.

Explore your opportunities

Naturally, work on this project in my private time entails a certain number of problems. The biggest problem for me is to find the time. Working from 9 to 5, you realize that time is not actually infinite. Your day can be overwhelmed by personal or work responsibilities. It is very difficult alone to invest all that you have.

One of the pitfalls of a long-term project is the loss of motivation and the inevitable loss of quality. The key task is to always stay focused on the main goal and publish icon at the end of the day no matter what.

To stay persistent throughout the project — in itself a test. I started with simple icons, but developing, I learnt new techniques of applying eye-shadow, filters, effects, etc.

These examples show the progress that I did from the beginning until now:

Day 3.

Day 25.

Day 111.

Day 168.

Day 214.

the Day of the 286.

Take commitment

You must remain mandatory in your work. Find motivation to action from day to day can be difficult. I realized that self-promotion helps to cope with this task. Publishing your works in social networks like Tumblr, Twitter, Behance or Dribbble gives you a broad audience. Recognition imposes on you the obligation to continue the project.

I started blogging on Tumblr, where every day published icons. I could easily monitor my progress during these 365 days, moreover, it is a good way to show work to other people. In addition to Tumblr, illustration, which, I believe, I succeeded, get on Dribbble is a community more focused on designers. When you publish your work online, you have a certain audience of subscribers and usually increases your popularity as a designer.

If I missed one day, I would have found the clause to skip another, and so on. Be loyal to your business and it will pay off.

Enlist the support of friends

If you are starting a long term project, there is a risk that friends will stay skeptical. Don't fall into this trap. Friends play a big role in your development. You need to surround yourself with people who will promote your work. The people who will see the value in your project and give you advice when you face a creative crisis, and believe me, there will be days when the crisis happens.

No matter how good you are in your business. There are times when you are faced with obstacles that they cannot overcome. It is then important is the involvement of friends and colleagues. They can show offer a new solution to give the right advice.

Although my project and requires time, I haven't lost friends because of it. Quite the contrary, I made some new for a project, especially in the design environment.

be Aware of the result

It may seem that you will not get your project more than personal growth. You will be surprised what result you can get, having something to do. In addition to unlocking the creative potential that could sleep all the time, there are many other things that can happen on the way to your personal goal.

As for me, I became stronger in illustration, I learned to animate my icons (it was a small side project that I helped colleagues), I met a lot of new creative people and has opened the door to a community of designers. The project acquired a commercial side: people liked the illustrations, and they wanted to obtain the right to use or hire me to do illustrations to order. I have also started to sell my icons on Society6, where you can find them on various household items such as mugs, clocks, blankets.

The full impact of this work has led to increased confidence. The end result of the project overrides the small negative things that can happen on the way.

End of a long journey

If someone had told me a year ago that I'm going to create one illustration a day, I likely would not have believed it. I didn't realize what kind of progress can achieve in such a short time.

Work colleagues ask me: what are you going to do when I finish my 365-th icon?

Honestly? I don't know. Perhaps I'll find a new goal, a new challenge that will make me better in the new field of digital design.

I can say for sure is that the project icon-a-day was my biggest achievement, and I recommend everyone to start their own project. Life is a continuous learning process, and these goals help us to expand their borders. This gives us growth, both professional and personal.
Article based on information from


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