In good hands! SpecsMe service for the creation of technical specifications

Shoveled "boxes" and found one very interesting project! It's called SpecsMe, and is aimed at solving one of the most pressing problems of it's agencies. The aim of the project: automation writing technical specifications and developing tools for further work (remote access, simultaneous editing, exchange, etc.). Give in good hands. Details under the cut.


the Idea of the algorithm

The user is given the opportunity to choose the type of website that it will develop. Depending on the choice (business card website, portal, online store), he will be offered various check-boxes fields to fill in.

*automated check – after entering email on first page, the user account is created with access to TOR (TOR is automatically saved every 15 seconds).

Preparation of the specification consists of logical steps: General about the site, design/layout, menu structure, site features, time-budget.
After the final step, the user can publish their TK in the public domain (this is the monetization opportunity), where a registered Agency will be able to read it and offer their services.
The user can also save the existing technical specifications in the required format, and provide access to any user to work together. On the similarity of the Google Drive service allows simultaneous editing of the project (up to 10 users).

Development and monetization

There are several possibilities: exchange — most TOR users will provide access to receive a quote. As a development of the standard branch of the freelance exchange.
Another possibility — premium packages the statement of work (block diagram, distribution agencies and so on) or a new direction TZ (any activity requiring project documentation).


At the moment, the project is ready for the different standards from 40% to 60%. There's TK, a fully-fledged design with a layout and software (readiness of 60%, the development was carried out on Zend). Well there is a possibility of monetization and scale of the project. I think that the idea of the project is worthwhile and can solve many problems. The project will give into the good hands of confident/birds, % discuss marketing will help. The project is experimenting on the project Vene viisa and Sushi.
Article based on information from


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