ipotesi client for Yandex.Subscriptions for iPad

8 months ago, in honor of the closing of Google Reader, the company Yandex has updated the API for its service Subscription. I use it quite a long time, it's very interesting to me news. And I have long wanted the iPad client. Personally, I with it to read the news much easier, especially on the road. But time passed — and not a single customer has not appeared. Well, if not — write itself.

Fortunately, in the updated API, all the data can be obtained in JSON. You just need to go through OAuth authorization (good article on this subject on Habre) to get Access Token and go.

It is logical to choose to implement a UISplitViewController on the left list of subscriptions, and posts them on the right the contents of the news. In the left part in the table make a custom UITableViewCell to display the number of unread news in the right part just a UIWebView, which displays depending on the switch or the announcement of the news, or opens the original website source.

In General, it is quite a simple RSS reader with the difference that all the work of collecting subscriptions, and parsing the RSS feed takes on Yandex (and about this, they seem to have been even a separate article about what kreposti-nevalennyi they had to meet), and the client is given just data.

But it is exactly the simplicity I need. And the web version Subscriptions, in my opinion, to browser heavy. Especially when the articles in the feed pile a bunch of pictures. For example, if you are subscribed to new hand on some torrent tracker with movies — there is a poster, and screenshots, and a million different icons like logos, IMDB and Kinopoisk, and loaded it in the browser immediately, regardless of having been deployed you have a record or not, and 50 news with 10 pictures in each turn in 500 images on page of different severity.

In the morning, over a Cup of tea, opened the news, for example, on my laptop, and continued to read them already somewhere on the road with the iPad. All read is already marked as read, all synchronized beauty.

In addition, the iPad client you can share the interesting news in the social. networks with ease via email/sms/iMessage or save an article to reading List in Safari to read later, even without network access. And, of course, you can add new news feeds or delete existing ones. To add — just enter a website address and RSS will be torn out by the service if it's there.

Technical features I encountered in the development, relate primarily to the API.

First, when adding new RSS feeds — all existing posts have the archive flag, that is, they are in the archive, and, unfortunately, they cannot be marked as unread, for later to return at once to notice them. Read/unread will only have the posts appearing in the feed after subscription.

Second, sometimes for a new RSS subscription service takes time to "suck" in the ribbon. For example, my personal RSS feed with Habra, the service has sucked for 40 minutes before showing me at least the list of posts.

The app is free. If you become interested — the link is: itunes.apple.com/ru/app/ajpodpiski-rss-klient-dla/id855118050?mt=8

P. S. if you have any ideas to improve the app ready to listen to them in the comments.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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