Matryoshka – a new service for HR professionals

This is not just another platform to search candidates.

Cadres decide everything – a true statement. The experience and expertise of employees determines the quality of goods and services. Only with coordinated teamwork achieved 100% impact and increased profits.

For HR-managers have a great responsibility. They should be well up the job and weed out unnecessary information. Only they take summary and daily look offers from applicants.

According to statistics, the HR Manager spends a day for 2-3 hours of blissful, processing and search of the summary, but if you open a new vacancy, then to add the text on all the sites some it takes a few days, there is no possibility to conduct the overall statistics for all sites and it is impossible to compare them.

It will be much easier if the candidate's CV can be saved with different recruiting sites into a single database without creating additional files on the computer. Would be even better if the summary can be attached to specific jobs.

Interesting? Welcome to under the cut!

What is a service "Matryoshka"?

This service designed specifically for HR managers who want to streamline the workflow and make it as efficient as possible. Here we use 2 tools – a repository for information and rasshirenie for Google Chrome.

With extensions you can easily save candidate's CV. To do this, click on the extension icon in the browser while on the website, or on the page of the selected summary. If necessary, from the drop-down list to select the vacancy to which will be attached to the candidate (the list of jobs "pulled" from Your account on the Doll). Just one click on the button "Import candidate," and the applicant will be added to Your database.

On the website in the section with the vacancy see the summary that you have saved while surfing. This greatly simplifies the selection of employees and allows you to store your CV, scanned copies of the documents and interviews in one place.

How to get started?

  1. Sign up on the website. It is sufficient to specify e-mail address and password. Complete information you specify in the profile after registration (fill in). The procedure actually takes a few seconds.
  2. the
  3. Try free rasshirenie for Google Chrome and log into it using the username and password that was entered at registration, in "Matryoshka".
    How it looks

  4. the
  5. Create a vacancy in the service. Go to "Jobs" and click "vacancy" in the center of the screen. Enter job title, city, and wages (of course if it is necessary, in General, any candidate can be imported without privyazki to jobs as a bookmark, or favorites, call it what you want).
  6. the
  7. When viewing a candidate's CV if it suits you, click on the extension button in the browser, and then select the vacancy and click import.
    How it looks

  8. the
  9. All information gets stored in the service card of the candidate.
  10. the
  11. After the interviews it is possible to write the results directly on the website in the card of the candidate, it is possible to attach files to the candidate, whether the scanned diploma of education or employment history.
    How it looks

5 advantages of service

  1. Speed – the service works without "brakes" and for a split second imports summary in your account, forget about the update page, "Matryoshka" sinhroniziruete data base on the fly.
  2. the
  3. Structuring of information – all the information about the candidates laid out on shelves. You no longer have to create a bunch of folders with files and digging through them to search for resumes.
  4. the
  5. Work with the known sites at the moment, "Matryoshka" imports data from sites, and In the near future the service will be compatible with platforms,
  6. the
  7. Security – every 6 hours a backup of the database. All information about candidates will be kept in critical situations.
  8. on the Report for 7 seconds to report about the handling of vacancies, reception of applicants, number of interviews conducted, it is possible for one click, so you quickly analyze the situation. the

  9. Automatic notification of rejection: when closing the jobs You will be asked to notify the applicants that they were not in the competition (only for those who had conducted at least one interview). At the moment the notifications are available only via email.

future Plans

  • As I wrote above, the support of the majority of services on search and selection of personnel.
  • the
  • Implementation of team work. It will be possible to share vacancies and candidates within the team.
  • the
  • of a Notice to the applicants via SMS.

Use free

For registration and installation of the extension will take only a few seconds. Payment for use is not necessary, no hidden charges, NO! Right now you can begin testing and to assess the merits of the service.

Regularly we will answer users ' questions. Us very important feedback, so we are always happy to assist you and make your wishes for the development and expansion of functionality. Interesting questions with answers will publish in our blog

Once again the link (but they as-that was not enough:)):
Extension for Google Chrome
Article based on information from


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