Meeting of the Java User Group in Moscow


Thursday, 13 December at 19:00 at the Moscow office of the company CROC will be the first meeting of the Moscow community of Java developers with leading engineers, Oracle Sergey Kuksenko and Alexei Sipyleum, who will perform with their star report "Through thorns to the lambdas", and leading engineer, CROC Gennady Kruglov, who will tell you about Spring Data JPA and will share their own experiences. The meeting will be held in a seminar format. You will find: live chat, discussion of interesting topics, as well as the opportunity to interact with new people over coffee and buns!

about the event

At the meeting we will present two reports:

"Briefly about Spring Data JPA – review and personal experience" (Gennady Kruglov)

The report focuses on the Spring Data JPA project, one of the modern frameworks of persistence layer of applications on the Java platform. The report provides an overview of the range of patterns of persistence layer and analysis of the history of Spring Data JPA. The basis of the report comprise a description of the key concepts of Spring Data and JPA support type-safe dynamic query from Spring Data.

The report will be discussed:
  • Patterns "DAO", "Repository" and "Query Object".
  • the
  • History – JDBCTemplate and Spring DAO.
  • the
  • Spring JPA Repositories configuration, query methods, transactioncost audit.
  • the
  • JPA Criteria API type-safe dynamic queries.
  • the
  • Specifications – using Criteria API in JPA Spring JPA Repositories.
  • the
  • Querydsl SQL — dynamic type-safe queries in Spring Data.

Gennady Kruglov, lead engineer, CROC.

"Through the thorns to the lambdas" (Sergey Kuksenko, Aleksey Shepelev)

The most essential since Java 5 language changes will support lambda expressions in Java 8. This meeting will focus on technical aspects of Project Lambda, a story about the situation "from the inside".

The report will be discussed:
  • About lambda

      what is a lambda in the context of Java the

    • how do they compare with the existing language primitives
    • the
    • lambda — sugar or no?
    • the
    • as jsr292 won javac
    • how, where, and to whom are lambda

      buns, rakes, and other features

  • the
  • About the stream (bulk) operations

      what is it, and what they eat the

    • what does Fork/Join
    • the
    • how many and where are the costs
    • the
    • donuts, cones, and other characteristic properties

  • the
  • About defender (default) methods

      what it is, why you need the

    • is an abstract class differs from an interface
    • other exciting troubles

Sergey Kuksenko — Sergey graduated from the Novosibirsk State University. More than 15 years of professional experience, including the Russian Academy of Sciences, start-UPS, as well as such major corporations as Intel and Oracle. Experience with Java for over 14 years, starting with a variety of client and server applications to classlib and JIT compilers. The last 6 years he engaged in the issues of Java performance, including classlib, VM, GC, JIT, and other aspects.

Alex Sibilev — Alex is working on Java performance for over 7 years. During this time he managed to work on Apache Harmony at Intel, then went to Sun Microsystems and then at Oracle where today working on Sun/Oracle JDK, including the performance of the JVM, class libraries, frameworks and applications. Alex is an Oracle technical representative at Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC), being busy with development and support of industrial benchmarks.

Organizational issues

To register for the event here:
Participation is free, but places are limited.
So note: pre-registration is required. For those who are going to visit us by car, you can specify the number of the car, and then you will be able to Park near the office on the Parking lot.
See you at the JUG in MSK!
Article based on information from


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