Open GOS. the data. Made in Ukraine

I think each of us would like to know more about the conditions in which he is or intends to be, and in particular, how does the power of the state. In this case, it would be good to have the most objective, complete and accurate information.

The question becomes particularly relevant when engaged in such important matters as the choice of location for home, office(work) or travel.


Of course, I shoveled a lot of different resources, interviewing friends, acquaintances and inhabitants, to a certain opinion. But in addition to the time spent, at most it will be subjective and likely incomplete due to natural limitations.

Perhaps a better option is a different kind of specialist, agents, realtors, etc., but they have an obvious conflict of interest, and the ensuing problems.

On the media can be easily forgotten: they are mainly interested in pop and/or pop dill.

But if to speak about official (state) sources of information, in one case what and how they provide a complete or comfortable to not be called. And in other cases that is enmeshed in the bureaucratic and/or corruption schemes that ordinary people can overcome not. (Here and further focus on Ukraine, but I think we can all agree that the issue is international and the problems are similar.)

About the project

In these circumstances, the idea was born to create a project, which became the prototype for SIM games cities. Why, well because quite a long time they decided(solved better than in real cities), the problem of representation sufficiently more data to the user(inhabitants).

But in reality, the data representation is just the tip of the iceberg, but from the user's eyes, the main hidden and not the easiest job in the collection, analysis and structuring of data from various sources, mostly state.
And often this work is uninteresting and alien to Ethnica, but at the end.

If we talk about the data collection, the emphasis is now placed on the most pressing issues: the cost of housing, crime, environment, housing and communal services tariffs, which are presented as interactive maps.
Also, each user can leave their feedback about a particular area on the map.

Example # 1 (clickable):
Example map housing rates for

Example # 2 (clickable):
Example of a crime map to regions on

Design, of course, stars in the sky is not enough, but for one person on the project, I think.

What else...

In the process of working on the project, left the desire to really change the situation, and at the same time it was clear that their own strength is not enough. Then it was decided to add the ability for users to create standard maps according to its own data.

This functionality is useful when you need to quickly present the geo-data and allows you to focus on solving problems and not on security. For example, you can simplify prototyping(implementation) of projects in the likeness "Akrami"("ROSYY") or "Help Kyiv", which was created during the extraordinary snowfalls in late March.

Further development of thought and familiarity with open data has led to the formation of project mission and creation of appropriate site section. Where collected, analyzed and structured data is published in machine-readable form that they can use for their own research or projects.
Data is not yet so much as I would like, but we're working on it.


In the plans, to involve in the project more participants and create even more qualitative data, more convenient and more functional map.
And to continue the development of the section of open data, in particular, as a public platform.

Open state data in Ukraine

I would like to talk about openness of government data in Ukraine, as this takes a considerable share of time working on the project.

To begin with, what is now at the state level there is no single development program of the open state data, or equivalent, and in the whole country the movement is poorly developed (can recall only one noisy event, but without real consequences).

At the same time there are Law of Ukraine "On access to public information"(Ukr.) which requires further development, because it contains a provision allowing to circumvent the Law, unnecessary restrictions on the data, and sets the legacy(bureaucratic) order they are received. For example, there is not one law on the state register, which monopolizing access to data in all sorts of semi-public organizations.

Well and where without such "joys" of life as passivity controlling bodies, General bureaucracy and corruption schemes. Here it is necessary to speak separately about the CMU resolution No. 1102 dated October 26, 2011(Ukr.) and, especially, about its Annex 3, the majority of which are simply absurd, except that contravention of the aforementioned Law.

Personally had to deal with this situation: it was necessary to obtain as detailed data on the levels of environmental pollution. What is a special civil service(spent three weeks of phone calls and complaints before they found out what it is), the system of observations and data. But imagine the data service is accepted only in printed form(~ 2000 pages) with the prohibition of copying, or in the right form, but for the money (thousand UAH.) based on the law of Ukraine "About hydro meteorological activity"(Ukr.) and regulations above.

Three months of correspondence on this issue with a representative of the Ombudsman of Ukraine on human rights concerning observance of the rights in the sphere of information law ended, as expected, the direction of the court to make an independent decision.

Speaking of other countries, for example, in Russia things with open data, things are much better, but about the Western countries can not remember. Although the last government shutdown in the US showed that they have not so smooth, and you need an alternative(negos.) data sources.

In the end I would like to draw attention to the fact that the struggle to change the existing system requires a lot of effort and time. But tangible results can only be obtained in the presence of public will and support.

If you are willing to help the project(especially lawyers) or to take part in it(especially designers), write in lichku or through contacts on the website — discuss.

Thank you all for your support!
Article based on information from


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