Tabrier collective video greetings

Life is decorated with festivals and important dates. Quite often have to search for gifts and come up with greetings to birthday, wedding anniversary or any other event. Often there is no opportunity to congratulate himself, and the idea to call the vulva. Life spreads us across the world. And sometimes we want to please colleagues, friends or loved ones with something really impressive!



It all started about half a year ago when at work I had to move to another country. And very soon mom's birthday, we gathered in a large circle of family. Many relatives have long left for the world, and another brother had to leave. So we decided that everyone will write their own video greetings, all beautifully cut and the birthday present as a gift from everyone wasn't there.

Not finding a suitable tool for this task, we asked everyone to send in their videos to further mount. Here then began the most fun, the videos were sent via e-mail, Viber, Telegram, YouTube, and even had to record a video conversation via Skype. The fact is that people are sent the usual way, many simply did not know how to record a video or send via e-mail.

Not convey all the events through which I had to go through to collect all the clips in one place. Everyone needs to call or write to tell about the idea to explain how to record and send. Then, too, it is not so simple, you had to convert, choose the music, come up with a script, to combine, to cut superfluous, to sign every movie.


the Idea and design

The idea is to create a service, it's deep in my head and sat there till the beginning of this year. Experience developing for mobile platforms I had, but was a good development background is in web. Was tempted to distribute the prototype for the PhoneGap or Ionic framework, because the barrier to entry is much lower, cross-platform, and the technology stack are already familiar. But the idea fell at the first build of the sample, which showed very high performance on a simple tabs with no data. Then I decided to do a native application for Android to test the hypothesis and demand, and then ported to other mobile platforms.

The first version was ready in three months. Next, was a long process of design, finalization of functional details and testing. Which took most of the time.

Much time was spent navigating, really helped article on habré about anti-patterns navigation Android apps.


How it works?

When you register as an identifier and connecting link, it was decided to use the phone number as in WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram and some other messengers. This immediately solves the problem of communication between users. No need to search, add friends, confirm the requests, everything is there in the contact list.

It boils down to three steps:
  1. Creating events
  2. the
  3. Record greetings
  4. the
  5. to Send to the recipient

When creating an event, you need to specify the name, date, choose the recipient and scope:

    Public event — will be available to all who have the addressee in the contact list. Each of them will be able to record their video greeting;

    Selected friends — will only be available to those whom you select. Each of them will be able to record their video greeting;

    Individual — will only be available to you. Only you will be able to record a video;

Now when the event is created, everyone who is involved will receive a notification with the event and the opportunity to record their own video greetings.
If the event target is not set, the application will receive an SMS with a link to the video.

As it turned out during the development process, the recipient often wishes to be able to thank you all for the congratulations, and the participants are waiting for the reaction of the addressee. To this was added the ability to record your video response with thanks. Recipients which will be all those who participated in the recording of video greetings.

By default, the final video is only available to the recipient, because in the video can be congratulations of a personal nature, but the recipient has the opportunity to open access to all participants, after which all participants will receive notice and the opportunity to see the final movie upon entering the event.


Monetization, and the plans

The use of the service is free. There are a few ideas to monetize the project: purchase of various themes of the end of the video, music selection, support for corporate customers.

Plans and ideas for the development a lot: of run Android version, to finish the iOS version to work on generated videos, the ability to record greetings from the site, the separation of a standard set of events based on the user's country.



During testing we did not miss the opportunity to congratulate people with real events in their lives, it was family, friends and even complete strangers who learned through a friend about developing the service. The result exceeded all expectations, absolutely everyone could not hold tears of joy.

If interested, I'll write a separate post about the server part and work with the video.

Thank you I would like to say to Microsoft for their software BizSpark, very powerful help for beginners.

Thanks to all who read. I will try to answer questions in the comments who have no such opportunity, feel free to email me

Link to app in Google Play
Article based on information from


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