The quality monitoring system in the Moscow air

this post talks about was created in the form kickstarters project quality monitoring system in the Moscow air Will first a few words about why the air monitor and wonder why it is not enough existing systems. Then there's the story about the collection of funds for the project (numeric). Then there's the story about the architecture of the system, its characteristics, strengths and limitations.


From a birch to arduino

26 April 2012 Moscow covered thick green-yellow cloud. With a cloud of rumors about a supposedly blown-up plant for the production of fertilizers. But it soon became clear that the conspiracy has no place: this spring happened unique rapid flowering of birch. Green cloud consisted of dust. Friends with allergies sat at home, tightly closed shutters of the Windows.

But even without the ill-fated birch Moscow air is normally not mountain clean. Many returning from holiday complaining of characteristic symptoms similar to mild poisoning.

We knew the two sources of data on air pollution in the city.
  1. mosekomonitoring. Measures the content of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and other gases. This system monitors (or publish) accurate data on air pollution particulate matter (dust, smoke, pollen of plants)
  2. the
  3. Website manufacturer of anti-Allergy drug. These figures do not include dust and smoke, and not operational, the delay is several days.

According to mosekomonitoring, the impurity concentration of gases-pollutants in the Moscow air is typically on the acceptability level. Ie anything can happen (especially in the area Avtozavodskaya), but overall, based on these data, our air is about the same as in other cities. So there are other factors that have a significant impact on people's health.

monitored the air in the West
the world's widely used integrated indicator of air quality called AQI (Air Quality Index). It takes into account air pollution, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. We have AQI is not published, and I understand that the full data for its computation.

In addition to the national network of monitoring points of air quality in the West is highly developed practice of private, civil monitoring. Probably the most famous project in the framework of this activity — "the egg of air quality", Air quality egg.

Have a hypothesis: an important contribution to air quality is making "invisible" mosekomonitoring dust.



In the price range of "$ 1,000", which I decided to look for solutions, there are two popular sensor dust: Sharp with the easily remembered name GP2Y1010AU0F 12$ meter DC1100 pro firms Dylos for 290$. The advantages of the first is its low price. In other respects it is inferior Dylos, since this latter is able to measure separate indicators for small (< 2.5 um) and coarse dust. This gave hope that the readings will be brought to a universal indicator, PM2.5, which is used to calculate the AQI. Looking ahead to say that this hope was not destined to be justified.

21 Jun 2012 I announced in my LJ, FindFile and Facebook about the start raising funds for the purchase of meter DC1100 dust. With the help of friends in six days managed to collect a little more than needed, about 420$. This surplus was bought by the great optical rain sensor, because it seemed probable strong influence of rain on dust. Again he ran ahead to say that a strong connection with rain and dust level was confirmed.
For me, this success of domestic online funding was a pleasant surprise. Accustomed to seeing fundraisers to help people who are in difficult circumstances in need of money. So I was not sure that the draft of the private air monitoring, in fact research (and declared in this quality) will be able to obtain financing. The better was the result. He says that this issue is of concern to many people.
On July 20, the sensors reached Moscow, the twentieth of August, the project earned a semi-industrial mode. Now on the project's website published the relevant data, but the website is actively being developed.





The system consists of three modules: the meter, the intermediate servers and the publishing servers data.
Data from the sensors of the levels of dust, rain, temperature and humidity are read by the meter based on the arduino in json format are sent through the Xbee link on the home server. There they are logged and forwarded for publication to and



The air, chased by a fan (8) through the pipe (2) passes through the heating element (3) in order to, if necessary, to reduce relative humidity and prevent the impact of water vapor on the measurement results. The movement of air shown by arrows. The control circuit (5) based on the platform arduino uno, using the data of humidity sensor (6) controls the heater (3) through the power switch (7).

Data from the DC1100 (4) and rain sensor (not shown in the diagram) are read by the control circuit (5) and using the XBee card is transmitted to the home server, where they are preprocessed and sent for publication on public web site.

the the
Left to right: exterior view of the measuring unit, the housing with the cover removed and DC1100, rain sensor during testing. (images are clickable)


Home server

FreeBSD 9.0 on an old laptop with a broken screen. Itself, without dances with a tambourine, saw ftdi-shnuju card with Xbee module, rubify script import the data spinning in the screenshot.


the publishing Server

Now the data are published in two places: and Vozduh is a script for ruby-sinatra, graphs will be drawn using the libraries dygraphs. Graphics appear smooth at 10-minute intervals; those who are curious, the raw data can see them the dedicated page.
At vozduh-e screwed-on minimum statistics: quantiles are computed for measurements of dust and trends in accordance with the linear model. Statistics are calculated with the help of small script in R language that directly read and write data from database (SQLite).


Conclusion, the findings and directions of development of the project

In my opinion, the project can be considered successful. First, this is the first known to me the national-funded project to monitor air in our country. Second, continually published accurate data on the two pollutants of the atmosphere: the large and small dust. This information was unavailable before the project.

Data on air pollution with dust is very curious. It is known, for example, that dust storms from Central Africa to reach the shores of North America, moving over distances of thousands of kilometers. Our measurements show that the amount of fine dust is little change when moving over distances of hundreds of kilometers. One day I took readings consistently in the South-West of Moscow, on the MKAD and in Dubna. The readings were very close. Thus over time the level of contamination can change rapidly, at times within a few hours. This makes the value of this parameter is promising for the interpretation.

Future plans for the development of the project include:

  • sensor Network. Would be very curious to see how the dust is moving at significant distances. If there is funding for the production of several measuring points, it will be possible to study the motion of dust and rain over Moscow and other cities.
  • the
  • API. This is one of the priority things, will soon appear on the website.
  • the
  • Twitter. Scheduled feed, informing about what is happening in the air of the city. Can be useful for athletes and Allergy sufferers. Maybe all who are curious, was it a night of rain, for example.
  • the
  • Mobile client. One more stage from the list next.

I would be glad of other ideas for the development of the project and wish to participate in it.



  1. Website:
  2. the
  3. the Source code of all software:
  4. quality Indicators: the

  5. Air quality egg, a civil system of monitoring air quality —
  6. the
  7. C. N. Davies. Size distribution of atmospheric particles
Article based on information from


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