The report of the first Israeli Cobrastrike — "Start-Up Nation"

Yesterday, on April 29 in tel Aviv was the first Israeli Haberstich. Yes, it happened! We climbed out of the bushes, basements and server rooms, and tried to get acquainted with each other. It was initially planned that the event will be held in Holon Institute of Technology, but in the process of organization, it was decided to move the meeting to a Co-Working office TECHLOFT what is in the heart of tel Aviv. People started to arrive at 19:00. Since most saw each other for the first time, before the reports were allocated half an hour for meeting and networking.

Despite the fact that on Habre about their desire to participate in the event stated in the order of 50 users, the meeting brought together more than 100 people. Guests were kindly provided by "pogryzite" and drinks, but in less than 20 minutes, not greedy, very generous reader Habra — Cyril (shtonibudtakoe) decided to treat all who come with beer and other alcoholic drinks. by the Way, despite his generosity Cyril still can't write on habré, therefore, if someone of you has a free invite and wants to honor him, do a good deed — give an invite to person.

The overall theme of the meeting was the creation of start-UPS. In total there were four of the report:
1. David Paluy aka dpaluy, shared information about how to gain the attention from business angels and VC. What needs to get done in 2 minutes of the meeting that are given to budding entrepreneurs. How can you prepare for this more thoroughly and who can help. The presentation of the author can be found here.

2. Dudi Peles had a great report on the topic "Gamification — The Power of Gameful Design". Of course, this was the most interesting session on escalating the issue. Doody said about how using gamification can turn a boring and tedious process entertaining and fun. Cited as example the case of Waze, Forsquare and BMW. Presented their own case studies and showed how for a short time in one of the specials.schools have turned a boring course on programming in one of the favorite items among students. Watch the presentation Doody Palace here. More detailed information can search for author website.

3. Michael Cherniavsky aka mikich, talked about AT&T Foundry and support start-up start-up teams of professional teams of specialists from companies such as AT&T, Amdocs, Ericsson. The theme of "Innovation of AT&T in Israel, or How to push forward your Idea or Project in the Global Companies"

4. In its latest report Alexander Seidelman aka azaidelson, raised the issue of support and development of local startups from the project "SKOLKOVO". It was stated, on what conditions izraelskiej start-UPS can receive grants from the booming Russian HighTech-greenhouse. The details can be found in his presentations or the official Israel-SK.

A small surprise was that all presenters were session in Hebrew, not Russian, as most expected. But I feel that most of it is not prevented.

The meeting was seen by friends with professional cameras. I'd love to see photos from yesterday's meeting. Please share links in the comments. But in the meantime some photos from my soapbox.

We can say that the meeting was a success. Let not everyone liked the theme and didn't have a chance to catch up, most importantly, that's a start. Habracha looked at each other, I realized that most of us adequate to the people found common topics of conversation. And each time will be better and better.
Thank you Baruch Yochai aka dvaruh, who organized this event and brought it to realization. Thank you to all the speakers for interesting topics! Thanks to the guys who helped in the organization of the meeting Victor torai, who helped to organize the projector, Mikhail Vinogradov mamyta for the logo design of the event. Special thanks to Ksenia, who spent the entire evening cuddling with the camera, trying to capture the event itself and all of us, and her husband zlozzy, who dragged her to meet us. :) Thank you Gilad Tofias, founder and managing Director of the TECHLOFT, who agreed to put us up. In General, the place was very interesting and enjoyable. I would like to see these CoWorking offices not only in tel Aviv.


Photos from the meeting

Opening of the meeting and introductory remarks dvaruh. His brain eaten for a long time a brain slug.

Comfortable building Techloft, which took us in.

David Paluy ignites and sets the tone charastic.

Abrowser carefully listen to what it is trying to convey Doody Palace about Gamification.

Michael Cherniavsky says about competitors Crocs, which are cut by the Indian children out of used tires. ))

Alexander Seidelman speaks about the areas in which it operates "SKOLKOVO".

P. S. the next time it was easier to determine the subject of reports, I propose to accept the offer received from CyberTor to conduct a small survey on the topic of what we are doing and in what direction it works. Leave comments
Article based on information from


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