Today started a free online database of blood donors

Despite the existence in each city of Russia the blood, again and again, perhaps in the very moment as you read this article, someone's life hangs in the balance — and she's about ready to break off because fails time and to the extent necessary to deliver in a particular medical institution with the blood of a certain group or blood products. This is partly due to the indifference of the people, partly with the absence of such a centralized database of potential donors.

July 30 began the work, which aims to set up a national database of potential blood donors in a free and voluntary basis.

This site will never have ads or profanity. Registration in the database will take you less than a minute and you are free to specify only those contact details that you see fit. If urgent, to save someone's life, you will need your blood group and rhesus factor, you will be contacted and informed about this comfortable way. You will be free to decide anonymously whether you're ready to help, or not. If necessary, we will let you know where and how you can most immediately to donate blood.

I appeal to Hebraist asking not to be indifferent, to let as many people know about this project, despite the atypical material of this article for habrahabr.

Thank you all.

P. S. to Learn more about the project, not only on the site database, but in the Facebook.

UPD. the Project needs to be web developers. If you are willing to help in the support and development of database and website, please contact the organizers.
Article based on information from


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