Who you are — people with Habra?

Hello, Habr!

Our collective mind has long captured characteristica and this weekend was spent in a very curious study the interests of abrollsoftware. All in one post, to tell difficult, but for those who are interested, here is a small synopsis:

the interests of users of Habra

UPD Added utilization statistics to social services and messenger s

Immediately apologize for the freedom and subjectivity of clustering. But it came out complete nonsense, because in this context, it is difficult to consider the "web programming", "php", "zend framework" as a separate independent interests. Had something with something to unite. If you with this layout I do not agree — correct me, maybe something will improve, if the objections are principled. Here is the explanation of clusters for this graph:

    Programming and database: python, ruby, php, OOP, c++, c, java, javascript, .net asp.net, sql, delphi, xml, xslt, perl, lisp, flash, zend framework, codeigniter, django, ruby on rails, jquery, software development, system programming, web programming, database, mysql, xhtml, html, layout, web development, js, css, ajax, cms, drupal

    Design, Graphics, 3D: graphic design, web design, computer graphics, photoshop

    Music: jazz, rock, classical music, electronic music, trance, guitar

    online: web, web 2.0, social networking, web-technology, the blogosphere, wikipedia, google, Yahoo

    Unix, Linux, Open Source: ubuntu, freebsd, bsd, gentoo, symbian, kde, debian

    Technology Gadgets: information technology, technology, robots, new technologies, hi-tech, high technologies

    Literature: books, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, science fiction, reading

    Business, Finance: money, economy, startups, project management

    Marketing: pr, seo, smo, Internet marketing, viral marketing

    Football: skiing, mountain Biking, Hiking, snowboarding, Biking

    Usability, Interfaces: information design, gui, ui, user interface, interface design, technical design, interface design

    Movie films anime

    Administration: system administration, apache, nginx, network, information security, security, security

    Apple mac, iphone, ipod, mac os

There were other clusters, for example:
Web standards: microformats, semantic web, semantics
Science: mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry,
About Microsoft, I have not forgotten (you do not think that I deliberately left only the Apple). But they did not score enough points. Yeah, didn't I only took the TOP interests, ignoring the "long tail".

And for dessert...

programming Languages

the popularity of <a href= programming languages among users of Habra">

Musical preferences

music preferences of users of Habra

Interests girls Habra

for girls Habra

Popular social

Popular social services which Abrollsoftware

Downloads messenger s

Popular messenger among users'hara
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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