Card Google Now

Google published a presentation of the new service Google Now, the announcement of which was held at the conference Google I/O as part of the operating system Android 4.1.

Google Now is a personal search engine that handles voice and text requests, giving information based on current GPS coordinates of the user, his personal information from the calendar, history, search queries, history of displacement, browsing history and so on. Widget with the search located on the start screen.

From the point of view of the user, the search results are displayed as "cards" (сards): they developed a total of ten types, but in the future there will be new. The user can configure the card to your liking and delete unnecessary.

The idea is that the ribbon card is great for continuous updating of the monitor points Google Glass, perhaps there it will work that way.


List of cards



in the Morning the phone is switched on, Google will show the weather outside, as well as in the area of work.



the Route is calculated on the basis of information about the current location of the user and the movement history. Card popping up when it is time to leave (on time regular schedule days), and if the trip actually started.


Public transport

Shows the schedule of buses, trams and metro trains, if you are approaching a bus stop.


Next meeting

Card POPs up before a meeting (from calendar). It depicts the route to the meeting point and the calculated travel time. Android device sends a notification when it's time to travel to a missed appointment and arrived without delay.



is Displayed for users that are already looking for this information. Shows schedule, flight status and weather conditions.



the results of the matches live — for sports teams from the history of search queries.



Information about the nearby bars, restaurants and other places of entertainment, based on information about the user's location, search history and movement history.



is Displayed if the user is in another country.



is Displayed if the user is in another country.



is Displayed if the user is in a different time zone.

Cards come out on the screen in the form of a tape, they can reject, looking through turns. Widget with the cards placed on the start screen and is visible immediately after unlocking the phone.

Article based on information from


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