Computer Science Center. Year number two

Almost a year ago, we announced on the opening Computer Science Center. Today we start a new set, and this is a good reason to perform our start.

about the center

Computer Science Center is a joint initiative of the the Academy of contemporary programming, Computer Science club at PDMI RAS and School of data analysis. The centre offers two - or three-year full-time evening courses in three areas: Computer Science (modern computer science), Data Mining (data analysis), Software Engineering (software development). the training Program produced in cooperation with universities and major IT companies of St. Petersburg and is being constantly improved. read More.

What we do


    We recruited 93 people in 4 groups. 78 of them continue their education. the

  • We read 18 one-semester courses (some finish in April).
  • We have published 140 video lectures, and that's not all for this semester! (this was already wrote our partners Lektorium.TV the

  • We worked on 20 educational projects in practice. And that's just for the fall semester (spring semester results will be presented on may 15-16, examples of projects there are here and here).
  • We have tested more than 1500 solutions to homework, colloquiums and control works. About retake just not say anything. the

  • We wear Shoe covers nearly 2500, used up 56 of tokens and an indefinite amount of chalk.
  • the
  • , We have given 2 scholarships to the students of the direction of CS, the rest of the students of this direction may claim for travel to a scientific school or conference.
  • We spent 1 holiday in honor of the end of the semester (photos the proof).

What has changed

a New phase of recruitment — written exam

We will remind, last year the stages of recruitment there were only two: quiz on the website and interview. The test on the website was very poor by the candidates, it did not reflect real knowledge, so it was a huge amount of interviews in a short time. 209 meetings with the candidates. Is too much even for experienced recruiters, what can we say about curators CS center. This year decided to introduce a written exam according to old tradition AMSE.
How to pass and how to prepare?
The exam is performed on the basis of the FML 239 where and read almost all of the lecture center. Tasks common to all areas, use of auxiliary materials is impossible. For exam preparation we offer you to use program income — similar School of data analysis Yandex.

Decided to limit the age coming from the bottom

Candidates for admission must be at least second year of study at the University at the time of application.
As we wrote above, now it remains to study only 78 people, 18 or otherwise have deducted (or were expelled). Many go everyday for various reasons: work, family, hobby other topics. But 6 dismissed (or otchalivshaya) — students who at the time of admission was a freshman. They trained in the center are difficult to reconcile with University and personal life, this is the hardest.
What to do?
Boys Junior courses we offer to become witting audience. Thus, they can try to learn from us without compromising his basic education. If possible, from the second semester we will take them to students.
Free listener can be anyone (but places are limited and there are also competition, essay). Free listeners can visit any class centre, in coordination with each teacher and seminarian to submit home assignments (will check, but in the last turn). We do not provide the possibility of internships and research, not check attendance and did not follow the fate of free student.
Why not restrict the age on top?
Officially we don't declare a limitation, but, honestly, adult candidates (those we consider graduates) we recommend a free hearing. Why? Again, statistics help us: most of such students falls off in 2-3 pairs off course.

new partners

EMC and HP Lab become partners of the center with the spring semester. With their arrival has enriched the pool of projects to practice for students as the fall semester comes new courses.

What is it, a new set

  • application form on the website (will be accepted until June 15, 2012, the questionnaire contains questions about the candidate and the task).
  • the
  • Written exam (tentative dates: April 14, 19 may, 20 June, invitations will be sent to each candidate on a certain date after filling out the questionnaire).
  • the
  • in-person interview (we will invite you for a personal meeting the best results in the written exam).

April 14 to meet with the curators of centre at 17:00, FML 239 (Assembly hall, building 2). We will talk about the center and answer questions. Admission is free! We invite everyone.

— Curators CS center
Article based on information from


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