DB_Pgsql_Type: transparent conversion of complex PostgreSQL types to PHP and back

DB_Pgsql_Type is a framework to convert complex types PostgreSQL 8.3+ in their PHP equivalents and back. With its help, you can work with fields of complex type (for example, a two-dimensional array of a composite type) as simple as in usual PHP arrays.

Following data types are supported and any sub-combination:

    Arrays of elements of any type (including multidimensional).

    Composite type ROWTYPE (in particular, themselves contain composite fields or fields arrays).

    * PostgreSQL hstore (including those containing complex elements). the

  • other types: TIMESTAMP (converted to Unix time), DATE, TIME, BOOLEAN, etc.
PostgreSQL is known for its support for complex data types. For example, you can define a column as a two-dimensional array of strings:

CREATE TABLE something(
matrix TEXT[][]
INSERT INTO something(id, matrix) VALUES(
1, ARRAY[ARRAY['one','two'], ARRAY['three "3"','four']]

However, in PHP when you try to get value from such a column:

$rs = $pdo->query("SELECT matrix FROM something WHERE id=1");
echo $rs->fetchColumn();

you will see only a string representation of this data, something like:

{{one,two},{"three \"3\"",four}}

DB_Pgsql_Type allows to convert expressions of the form {{one,two},{"three \"3\"",four}} in two-dimensional PHP array (with the features of quoting special sequences: quotation marks, apostrophes, empty strings, NULL, etc.) Or Vice versa, if you need to record a two-dimensional array in the database.

The source code for the libraries and documentation can be found here:

Here as a simple example, here is code to parse two-dimensional array of strings from the above listing:

// Create the parser for the type "array of arrays of strings".
$parser = new DB_Pgsql_Type_Array(
new DB_Pgsql_Type_Array(
new DB_Pgsql_Type_String()
// Will return array(array("one", "two"), array('three "3"', "four"))
$array = $parser->input('$Blk{'one,two},{"three \"3\"",four'}');

Can back to build a string in PHP array to insert into DB:

echo $parser->output($array);

Download the library and view more examples: arrays, composite types and ROWTYPE, * PostgreSQL hstore, etc.
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru


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