From Tomsk to Silicon Valley and Back

We have heard many times: "you Sit here in the Tomsk and don't know what is happening on the front lines. That will come to Silicon Valley you will open your eyes to the world." Again I say, you need to go. We planned a trip for January, coinciding with the opening of beta version of our service. A little less than two months later we returned to Russia.

And indeed, we have discovered many new things. The most interesting discovery was what is today Silicon Valley is a valley CEOS, marketers, managers and anyone, but not developers. For us it was a big advantage, because we're nerds. We even know how to insert video in Wordpress.

With the sound problem, we recommend you to turn it off. But Valley came out pretty good.

All the best and just good professionals recruited by Google, Facebook, DropBox, LinkedIn and the hundreds of top companies. There they were provided with comfortable conditions for all criteria. The salary for most engineers is not the main motivator, although low wages also will not name. To a large extent, this situation refers specifically to web developers.

A company without a great name, global mission and good financial possibilities a good developer can not find. The starting salary of a web specialist is close to $100 thousand per year, assuming that he'll like your team and the project seems interesting.

Everyone who is going to California: do NOT write in LinkedIn's CEO or something like that. There are four CEOS in a communal lives. You are looking for work or who write "web developer" or just "Python" and you will be happy. People immediately reach out to you.

to come to the Valley, no need sparpreisen

Before our trip we read many articles about how the next start-up came to the Valley for a conference or won the big competition and the like. Any contests we didn't win, but to go there really wanted. So, without further ADO, we got the visa, bought the tickets and as said Gagarin, went. Although, like him, in fact we flew.

Visa B1/B2 you can obtain, not knowing anyone in the United States. The invitation can be done from virtually any company still in the Embassy to confirm this would not, because it is expensive. Bureaucracy in America, the bureaucracy, and the major concept in near zero speed information.

Really important good preparation for the interview. All answers should be logical and consistent, look honest and innocent. The requirement is, essentially, one thing: it is impossible that the Consul guessed thought you were a potential immigrant. More detailed advice in excess of provide Google and Yandex.

There is another political aspect of the question, which we can not influence: sometimes Americans are "offended" (though for good reason) and tend to fail everyone.

Amazing Victor

We lived mostly with friends. One of them works in the known habré office, implements a Cuda fast Fourier transform. The company rents him two rooms in the Hilton. And although it's hard to believe the girls he wasn't driving. However, this is not so surprising, because in the Valley, no girls, virtually no. Once we visited the local disco/party: two modest Chinese women 20 shy guys.
If you have friends in those places yet, that's okay. Apartment in the Valley you can quickly rent for $1300 per month, slightly cheaper housing in San Francisco. Normal hostel in downtown San Francisco is $ 25 per day.

Good Angelika

It was interesting to try the services of the legendary silicone advisors. We decided to improve our presentation agreeing on consultations with a good discount was: $125 per hour) with Angelika Blendstrup. In the second session it became clear that Angelika needs help on your site (technical stuff-type insert embed videos). The third advice we have received barter: the first hour of Angelika helped us, and the second hour we had it. Angelika taught us a lot, especially in terms of communication in the local culture. In addition, Ms. Blendstrup presented our project to one of the investment funds, which resulted in a valuable contact. Not to mention her personal qualities: Angelika competent professional, kind and helpful person.

Investors on Facebook

To find the investor in this trip we did not plan. But I wanted someone to talk to, to better understand what we need to do in the future so three months later the conversation ended with the deal. We went on a few invest-togethers. Investors and representatives of investment funds has always acquired all the startups that were eager for them to say something. Stand in the queue we get bored with childhood, so we just hung out and drank free coke.

We decided to try to communicate with investors through social networks. We watched interviews, read articles, and chose the most interesting, similar in spirit to the investors. Then wrote them a message on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. Responded, of course, not everything, but enough. After each personal meeting, we received so much new information that it only had a week to digest. In General, we recommend bolder to write to people directly. In California people are very open to communication. We now understand that in Russia you can not particularly shy. Apparently, it was necessary to go to the other side of the globe to know it.

Countryman from Evernote

We love Evernote for its design, ideology and, most importantly, I bought them themselves. So it was interesting to talk to them. We sought contact with Evernote among all of their friends. In the end, after a chain of 8 people we were able to meet with Dmitry, one of the founders of the company.
Dmitry gave us a couple of shirts with their logo, told many interesting things about the markets of China, Japan and Russia. Briefly retell his story in your own words:
  • in Japan, willing to try new things and make your own. That is, your service may be popular in Japan without promotion, users can come yourself.
  • the Chinese market is almost infinite, but under strict censorship. Share information cautiously. In fact, any service that wants to work in the Chinese market, have to create your individual Chinese forgery version. the

  • Russia. The mind can not understand it: the market is large, but small. Our users need the most basic things: the Internet-shop, search, news, communication. Therefore services with new functionality is better run in other markets.

In General we have the feeling that because of the Russian roots managers Evernote feel a kind of responsibility for their compatriots despite the fact that our idea Dmitry was not on fire, we talked sincerely and sensibly.

Get Google

Three months before his arrival in the Valley we started a correspondence with Christian, project Manager for the closure of Google Wave (a project called Walkaround). Christian gave a tour of the Google office in mountain view.
The impression that the Valley is a competition for the most stylish and cozy office, and Google decided again to win. The air is filled with quick and passwordless Wi-Fi is available. The food is delicious, all the main cuisines of the world, but still free. There is something to see-admire the many sculptures and interesting installations, funny slides for infantile. Around the office run live hares.
The sketch, creating the atmosphere: in the office there is a lady with an open laptop and a poodle on a leash. It should be noted that not all companies in the valley are. We had several "offices" from which and breathes corporatising.


Initially, we set a goal to obtain feedback popiarit the project. The goal is to find investments we are currently not set. Although, of course, considered that, of course, want to find and relax a bit on financial issues.
PR and programming can and of Russia (as rightly pointed out iamAnton) But the feedback was really invaluable. We generally understand which markets and how we need to go. In addition, I realized a very important criterion: a serious conversation with a venture capital Fund about the investment starts when the number of users approaching 10 thousand for It services for business and collaboration tools. The razvlekalovok talks begin, when the number of active users is close to 100 thousands.

Silicone an invite

Habradi from Tomsk! On Sunday (March 18) at 15:00 local time are inviting all to a sports bar BetCourt Lenin, 174. The event is held in Rizzoma together with experts in SCRUM from Rosbiznesbank. Every expert on JavaScript — a mug of drink for free. Readers from other cities in the world with the teleporter, invited.
Article based on information from


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