Innovative services: launch startup

Have a great idea! You become the proud owner of a brain that came up with a completely new, no one developed a service which will offer Internet services as twitter or facebook. However, here is two big differences between the innovative services and successful startup. To run any unknown stuff follows with the application of the whole intellectual power of the body and beyond his physical strength.

Actually, what and how to run, not to be ruined and not fall down?

Starter edition does not tolerate excess tails

There is a strong temptation of the demiurge, to cover up their main idea, perfect as an egg, any kind of chips. The reality is that half of the audience chips don't clear and are too lazy to understand, and the other half used to do the same otherwise and relearn is not going to.

Save budget! Take out the hosting and the audience strictly service, straight to Squareness. This will save you money on the initial development and support, familiar with the reaction of the audience on the product without distraction on the side factors of influence, and prospects of the service, your chips will be booked a year in advance. Not to mention the fact that the audience itself will tell you what she is lacking, what are you at the planning stage might not suspect.

Page of predregistrace — free and severely

About stage barely working alpha for testing in a narrow range, the network must be abandoned promo page. It should make all your design and engineering talents to a brief, interesting, and enticing you to explain why you need something that will be here in time.

Control shot, apply to the description "unique superbonus of destiny", which will go only to those who are predregistrace on the page, subscribe to the announcement of the opening and crossposted in the social network.

We should post links to unrealistically active, interesting and useful Twitter account of the service. And then it's time to jump back in social media with a link and ad groups and the public.

the effect of the presence siedah

Unreal services curled under pages of predregistrace. The audience was gathered, was prepared, and the main BOOM has not happened in a couple of weeks, most of the signatories forgot that they signed up and welcome letter flew in spam, and the user never received his bonus.

It is therefore important at the stage of page of predregistrace to have alpha. To be sure that before the beta is just around the corner. It is also important to have the same Twitter, or blog or in the contact group or all together. To the interested user is constantly seen reminders: we work! It is debugged, it is tested already here. And finally: "please check your email and use open service!"

Well, open later than a month to plan just pointless.

All for free

Yes, you want to get a lot of money through monetization and now. But you have to endure. The entire base and a little more functionality needs to be loose and comfortable while the core of the audience is still roughly sitting in their seats in the auditorium and still not attracted to him in the fifth point. But as it becomes clear that the main audience tasted the candy, it's time to enter bannerette, advanced accounts, cash and other nice things.

Pinpoint bombing is

It is clear that the service, which has never before happened, in so far as SEO needs. People do not know what is necessary, what is possible is to look for and how to do it too, don't know. The minimum to invest in is the running of the service, if you choose the right application of forces. And here where them to put:

1. A huge part of daily media and some of the specialized ready to place your paper on the service if it is not direct advertising, and interesting information about it.
2. A detailed analysis of the audience of a potential consumer can tell where grazing your user: on Mtv, on radio Mayak or blog popular person. And here there is one piece of the advertising budget. In the thematic programmes of some channels, you can also pass on information about it.

3. The social network needs to work as slaves in the galleys. Give bonuses for the huskies, encourage them with reminders in the right places, take Twitter, take part in conversations on LiveJournal, not to forget about you.

4. Well, the article on Habr and Wikipedia should not be ignored. Write skillfully and you will be rewarded!

And remember, the slower you work, the faster growing competitors.
Article based on information from


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