The Apps4Russia competition: announcement and questions to the community

Probably many people remember that in 2011 was the first competition for project developers for open data Apps4Russia so we decided to repeat it this year.

What is Apps4Russia?

Apps4Russia contest for application developers and websites to create projects based on open government data and use them for public benefit and greater transparency of the state.

How to participate?
1. Your project must use open data, create information from unstructured sources of information or needs to collect information from citizens to solve social problems.

2. Projects can be in the form of desktop applications, web applications, applications running on the platform Adobe AIR, Java applications, applications for mobile devices and generally any platform You like. For the category designers — it can be infographics on Flash, HTML5 or other visualization products.

3. Source code is available under the MIT license, New BSD, GPL or similar is welcome and there will be a significant advantage when evaluating Your project.

4. Your project must not be associated with any political party or movement or to be against any political party or movement. We are ready to host projects dedicated to monitoring the decisions of politicians but not political projects.

5. You must complete the application form at the address — Soon after the announcement of the competition we will begin to publish applications on the site.

However, once again to invite You all to participate to our wonderful contest Apps4Russia I want to ask all of You few questions and listen to Your suggestions.

The questions are:
1. Do I need a separate nomination or prize for projects in the field of Linked Data and Semantic Web? If so, we will create and add, but I would like to see at least 5 participants on this topic. Is there any chance to see them? Are there any ideas of what good You can do in the field of Linked Data?

2. What open data is required more often that I want to create in the near future, but what use is prepared with no data? Data there are many and you can make even more — the question is what is needed in the first place.

3. We are looking for partners to convey information about the contest to the widest possible audience. If You are willing to help us with that — happy to add You to the list and would be grateful for posting about the contest and banner contest. Email me at ibegtin (dog) or here review.

4. To support the competition, we have created a special public organization "culture Information" for which competition is now the main activity, but not the only one. The idea is to be the same as Open Knowledge Foundation and Sunlight Labs. Cool and tech. But we are only at the start and the main thing which is lacking is people and money in order to run all mashtabno what I want to do. We are now actively funds is looking for and hopefully find people who you care for it. I invite all who are willing to help us to participate and listen to project proposals that can and should be supported, funding which can attract and so on.

5. Now there are many competitions around civil projects, but our difference is that we are clear about open data. I'm not going to praise or criticize those who are doing parallel initiatives — I believe that the main thing is creating an environment in which community projects would appear. I just want to make two important accent. Openness is openness. The purity of the principles. The source code should be open, data must be available and everything else too. Open Licenses, Open Data, Open Content, Open Knowledge, Open Government and many others.
I would be grateful especially the answers to the questions above.
Article based on information from


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